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  1. As Sanji gazed at his reflection in the water, he couldn't help but feel the weight of his perceived failures on his shoulders.
  2. Tears welled up in Sanji's eyes as he recalled the moments when he couldn't protect his friends during their toughest battles.
  3. The disappointment in Sanji's heart grew as he realized he hadn't lived up to his own expectations, questioning his worth as a member of the Straw Hat Pirates.
  4. Amidst the cheers of victory, Sanji found himself in solitude, haunted by memories of moments when he couldn't meet the challenges before him.
  5. A sense of inadequacy washed over Sanji, leaving him overwhelmed by the fear that he had let down those he cared about the most.
  6. In the quiet of the night, Sanji's silent sobs echoed the pain of his perceived failures, echoing through the Going Merry's empty corridors.
  7. As the crew celebrated another triumph, Sanji couldn't escape the gnawing feeling that he was never good enough, no matter how hard he tried.
  8. The once confident and charismatic chef now struggled to hide the cracks in his facade, haunted by the mistakes that defined him in his own eyes.
  9. Alone on the ship's deck, Sanji clenched his fists, cursing his perceived inadequacies and vowing to become stronger for the sake of his Nakama.
  10. The weight of Sanji's perceived failures bore down on him like an anchor, threatening to drag him into the depths of despair, far from the dreams he once held dear.
@MonsterZoro once an ardent admirer of Sanji's culinary skills and combat prowess, now finds himself disillusioned and enraged by what he perceives as Sanji's failure to awaken Conqueror's Haki (CoC).
Convinced that Sanji's potential remains untapped, MonsterZoro rages against the narrative choices that seemingly sideline the Straw Hat cook from reaching the pinnacle of strength.
Frustration boils over as MonsterZoro fixates on Sanji's perceived shortcomings, especially his inability to save the enigmatic Bonney during a critical moment, a failure that stings deep in the hearts of fans.
The disappointment intensifies as MonsterZoro, once hopeful for a grand showdown, expresses dismay over Sanji's lack of confrontation with Saturn, a missed opportunity for a climactic battle that could have showcased the chef's true strength.
The fan's anguish grows with each chapter, as he envisions a narrative where Sanji rises to the occasion and proves himself in the face of adversity, only to be met with a different reality.
MonsterZoro's online presence transforms into a platform for his grievances, where he passionately argues that Sanji deserves a more significant role in the overarching storyline.
The once-celebratory fan now laments what he perceives as a missed chance for Sanji to emerge as a true powerhouse within the Straw Hat crew.
MonsterZoro criticizes the writers for sidelining Sanji, expressing the view that the character's potential is being squandered, much to the dismay of fans who shared his initial enthusiasm.
The disappointment in MonsterZoro's words is palpable, as he mourns the lost opportunities for character growth and epic moments that could have elevated Sanji's status in the series.
In the tumultuous world of fandom, MonsterZoro's fervent discontent serves as a testament to the emotional investment fans often place in their favorite characters, and the impact that storytelling decisions can have on their perception of beloved narratives.
You are FINISHED @Pringles

Bonney will turn Kuma into NIKA so he can fight Saturn

She needs her imagination to align with reality, she will see Luffy's G5 when he fights Kizaru again and understand he's Nika

Saturn remembers Kuma wanted to be like Nika ON THE VERY SAME PANEL where he says Bonney could turn someone into Nika if she her imagination lined up to reality

Kuma shows up falling from the sky ON THE VERY PANEL where Bonney says she wanna believe in Nika

He's so gonna turn into Nika and beat Saturn's ass :kobeha:
I still see Sanji and Luffy both fighting Saturn after this chapter. Especially with what was revealed. Saturn literally just announced he did child experiments on both Bonney and Bonney's mother where Sanji can hear hear it. With it hitting that close to home for him, and a girl, there's no way he's just going to sit it out once Saturn's hold is released.
The chapter is incredibly slow-paced and half of it is kind of useless but I'm surprisingly ok with everything that happened, except for two things. Sanji still being frozen in place while semiconscious Luffy eats and moves freely is ridiculous.
No Sanji reaction showed when Saturn confessed what he did. That guy is literally a (more) evil Judge :josad:
Sanji ain't the guy bro, Wano or WCI should have shown you that
You are FINISHED @Pringles

Bonney will turn Kuma into NIKA so he can fight Saturn

She needs her imagination to align with reality, she will see Luffy's G5 when he fights Kizaru again and understand he's Nika

Saturn remembers Kuma wanted to be like Nika ON THE VERY SAME PANEL where he says Bonney could turn someone into Nika if she her imagination lined up to reality

Kuma shows up falling from the sky ON THE VERY PANEL where Bonney says she wanna believe in Nika

He's so gonna turn into Nika and beat Saturn's ass :kobeha:
You are deranged. There's a reason why Luffy is eating.

Saturn even pointed out she didn't realize Nika was Luffy.
I still see Sanji and Luffy both fighting Saturn after this chapter. Especially with what was revealed. Saturn literally just announced he did child experiments on both Bonney and Bonney's mother where Sanji can hear hear it. With it hitting that close to home for him, and a girl, there's no way he's just going to sit it out once Saturn's hold is released.


Another realitywarper hahahaha, i can't believe i'm gonna go through this shit for the 3rd time.

Powerscalling in the end will be a shitshow.

It will be hard for people who depends only on haki and swords + kaido is a fking liar on top of being the undisputed #1 most hypocrite character.
The chapter is incredibly slow-paced and half of it is kind of useless but I'm surprisingly ok with everything that happened, except for two things. Sanji still being frozen in place while semiconscious Luffy eats and moves freely is ridiculous.
No Sanji reaction showed when Saturn confessed what he did. That guy is literally a (more) evil Judge :josad:
Literally no one really does anything Saturn is holding them except Luffy .