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1107: I've Been Looking For You

Page 1/Cover:

-I... have no idea what's going on here. Is Bepo about to kill this leopard? Like, what's going on? I think there's some symbolism I'm missing in the Cover Page. Law needs more rest, Bepo looks cute sneaking up from behind.

Page 2-3:

-Based on the reaction the Dorry and Brogy, I'm guessing that their original bounties were WAYYYYYYY smaller than they should be because of inflation. We have no proof Pirates were worth as much or as common back when they were sailing; it could be that their bounties used to be very high for pirates.
-Unless the Pacifista switch back to the Marines' side, they're going to have a big problem with the Giants. Yes, I stole the pun
-Oimo and Kashi being here makes a lot of sense, glad to see them

Page 4:

-Smart of Usopp to scout out the island from above while he can, leading to a nice emotional reaction from him. Mostly reactions here.

Page 5:

-Nami's theory sounds likely, that Oimo and Kashi picked up Dorry and Brogy. Of course, we still need to figure out how the match ended.
-Morgans' paper causing the Marines problems is foreshadowing to Morgans reporting on the Egghead Incident and Vegapunk's murder, IMO

Page 6:

-Usopp smartly realizes the Giants are clearing a path from them and there to pick up the Straw Hats, so, his group will probably move soon.
-Lilith contacts the group regarding the lasers. I think the most likely person to send to take down the Frontier Dome is Edison, since... well, he's probably the only person nearby who knows how it works.
-Considering her namesake being a person who held up the world, I suspect Atlas will catch the Sunny, as her group is now moving towards the coast the Sunny is supposed to go to.
-The Seraphim have been inactive for too long. We have Zoro and Lucci nearby, Jinbei heading to them, and most likely Edison going to turn off the Frontier Dome's laser grid. Wouldn't you know it? There's one Blackbeard Pirate who hasn't gotten much love, who's unaccounted for. It's unlikely Augur was on the Blackbeard ship that arrived due to the timing of that ship appearing at Egghead yesterday within the story.
-Laffitte's going for the Seraphim and York, IMO. Catarina touching Saturn is significant because it allows her to have the highest Seraphim control outside of Bonney. I'd bet York told the Blackbeard Pirates about the Command Authority, which is why Catarina went after Saturn. Why else bother impersonating a Gorosei? They never leave Mary Geoise to begin with, the disguise would literally only work within Pangaea Castle. Laffitte may also take Kaku hostage, and I expect Edison to die here.
-Jinbei scolding Zoro is almost as funny as the sight of him flying, real Peter Pan shit right there

Page 7:

-Oda's clearly keeping Zoro and Lucci close to the lab and the Seraphim for a reason, the intro to them clashing here is a shot of the partially destroyed lab. Whether Zoro and Lucci will fight the Seraphim again remains to be seen, but at the least the Seraphim are abou to postpone it. No other narrative reason to stall Zoro above the laser grid like this.
-Since Lilith is telling Nami's group to turn off the Laser Grid, Zoro and Lucci will be able to enter the combat below shortly with Luffy, Sanji, Kizaru, and Saturn.

Page 8:

-Vice Admiral Red King??!!?!? Fuck, he really is the Crimson Chin, holy shit... That's wild.
-Jeez Pacifista lasers are powerful... that ship got wrecked fast.
-Thirty ships isn't nothing, but it looks like none of the big battleships have been sunk yet.
-The ships pulling back is interesting, wouldn't be surprised if another force showed up to shoot them.

Page 9:

-Looks like the bigger battleships are a lot more durable, as well, taking Pacifista lasers, and more powerful, taking one out relatively easily
-Everyone looking at Luffy while Vegapunk is just fucking dying is low key fucking hilarious

Page 10-11:

-Good luck trying to convince Luffy he's a god, lol
-Awww, it's Bonney's "My First Punches With Nika!", how wholesome. But, seriously, this actual training for Bonney since her Fruit is based off of her imagination. She's learning from everything she watches Luffy do in Gear 5, which is honestly a really cool plot idea, IMO, though many will hate it since it's doubling down on Nika/Gear 5 heavily.
-Wow, we've moved from Insects to Cockroaches, Saturn's getting more pissed
-Booming Dawn Gattling REALLY looks hard. Nice art.

Page 12:

-Welp, now we have a big Luffy punch into Saturn after's Kuma's. Nika Bonney punch into Saturn next???
-Hard to tell how far Saturn flew based on this chapter
-Yeah, Stella is dead. It was hard enough to get him out of here in the first place, and with that wound? Nope. Nika WILL save Kuma somehow, but, at the cost of Stella (and Kizaru's dignity as a human being)

Page 13:

-Kizaru's literally closing his eyes because he can't handle watching himself kill Bonney, he's getting less and less willing to do this. Is there a breaking point? Hard to tell at this point. Kuzan only broke when it came to letting Robin go at the end of Ohara after the civilian ship blew up and Saul was frozen. So, I assume Kizaru will help Bonney escape at the end.
-Ohhhh, he cooks with a different spice! Sanji is the first man to make Kizaru make a genuine expression of surprise IN THIS ENTIRE SERIES, let's go Cook MEN, we're up in this motherfucker! Blocking lasers! Franky knows lasers, too, so he knows that shit's crazy.
-Sanji's line is his typical corny romantic slop, but Kizaru's line about rewriting physics books is just fucking hilarious considering the situation.

Page 14:

-Why does Atlas look... so... uh... round? Whatever.
-Kizaru's in a pickle now! It's Pickle Kizaru, Sanji! Pickle Kizaru! Eh?!? Eh? Eh? Eh.......
-I think Kizaru might kill Vegapunk next chapter, especially if Saturn gives an opening
-Love this shot of Luffy and Sanji, they don't get nearly enough moments like this together, PLZ, give them some action together here

Page 15:

-Finally, they make their move! The rare chance to steal a Gorosei' identity, which is huge considering the Pacifista and Seraphim are here, presents itself, and Catarina takes it.
-Love the look on Catarina's face, she clearly believes what she's saying. It's a different belief, obviously, but... yeah, she's bought in to what Blackbeard is selling. That's what makes the BBP dangerous IMO.

Page 16:

-Welp, Blackbeard has some genetic stuff going on, too. But, he's also a D... meaning he SHOULD be an ally of Luffy. Weird.
-Van Augur's line "The World" is cold as the Norse underworld, as is his look afterwards. Augur's face makes it clear he KNOWS what he's saying, and Saturn knows what he's saying, too. This is basically a sniper telling a dude to let his boss know he's coming for the top. I still think Van Augur is one of the more important Blackbeard Pirates, and has some big twist planned

Page 17:

-What is that SFX at the end, when Saturn looks over? What noise does that mean in Japanese?
-So, Augur's Fruit isn't mastered, meaning it's tied to distance, and the more comfortable he gets the farther he can go. I wonder if there's any cooldown?
-Caribou is a Super Rookie known for killing Marines, there's no way the Blackbeard Pirates don't know who he is. They'll at least hear him out, I imagine, meaning...
-Blackbeard is invading Wano soon


Great chapter
Are there any Zoro fans left? Its honestly surprising how much Oda has turned on the character. He REALY hates him. Its insane that Sanji fans have ever complained about Odas treatment of Sanji. Sanji got a whole new world arc dedicated to him and how much his crew loves him. Even his "bad" moments are really just character development moments.

Zoro hasn't been treated well since Thriller Bark. He honestly should've died there. Sure, Oda gave Zoro some fights in Wano, but he made sure to down play every single one of them. He's given him zero character moments, since Thriller Bark and everyone on the crew hates him. Zoro almost died in 1009 protecting Luffy and its Law who checks to see if he's ok. Luffy doesn't care. Sanji is the one Luffy needs. Not Zoro.

People need to realize that the story has changed. Yes. At the beginning Zoro was supposed to be Luffys right hand, his best friend, and the person he could depend on. Thats all over now. Its been over since the time skip.
Man, you have to realize that what you want is not what Zoro-fans want. Zoro will get his asskicked and then teleport behind Lucci and win in a single blow and his fans will be happy and bragging for years to come.

Oda doesn't need to kill Zoro. The character is dead since the time-skip and he is now just a tool for bad fights.