LMAO, thats genius, holy shit! Makes me think of the Laputa Castle In The Sky influences of OP even more! I never thought about the gears in that way but thats so obvious now, its dumbfounding! There are drums in engineering too and you can have drums of oil for example too ofc. So various types of drums too.
I wouldnt be surprised if dancing is related to making the One Piece work and all that technology too, well Luffys heartbeat with the nika and thus the drums of liberation. Something something resonance/frequency and all that lol.
Its starting to sound in-line with Minamotos mecha heart theory somewhat too.
And thus the One Piece itself could be a literal "Dream Machine" then? A machine that manifests dreams into reality? And in the wrong hands like Blackbeard of the WG, it could bring eternal hell/nightmares ofc?
I was just randomly remembering the game Nights: Into Dreams too funnily enough lol.