The reason why g4 looked bad was because luffy gave up that form quickly, kizaru used g5 because she is very fast, she can do very good things in terms of power but speed would be a problem, and until last episode, there was a claim that kizaru defeated g4 with a single attack, but we saw that even sanji was not able to overcome the kick of kizaeun.
My cope to make sense out of round 1 powerscale was that Luffy required G5 to keep up with Kizaru's travelling speed, cause otherwise Kizaru can just get rid of Luffy too easily. Idk wtf happened off panel, but it's ridiculous to me that Kizaru could be relative to Nika in base while half assing. It just didn't make sense.
It's looking like that was the case now.
G4'ün bu yayda işe yaramaz olarak gösterilmesi beni hala rahatsız ediyor. Hala G4'ün Kizaru'ya zorlu bir mücadele verebileceğine inanıyorum, FS ff'leri var, sanırım Oda atıyordu.
The reason why g4 looked bad was because luffy gave up that form quickly, kizaru used g5 because she is very fast, she can do very good things in terms of power but speed would be a problem, and until last episode, there was a claim that kizaru defeated g4 with a single attack, but we saw that even sanji was not able to overcome the kick of kizaeun.
My cope to make sense out of round 1 powerscale was that Luffy required G5 to keep up with Kizaru's travelling speed, cause otherwise Kizaru can just get rid of Luffy too easily. Idk wtf happened off panel, but it's ridiculous to me that Kizaru could be relative to Nika in base while half assing. It just didn't make sense.
It's looking like that was the case now.
It still bugs me how G4 was portrayed as useless this arc. I still believe G4 can give Kizaru a tough fight, he has FS ffs, I think Oda was throwing.
The reason why G4 looked bad was because Luffy gave up that form quickly, because Kizaru was very fast, Luffy used G5, he can do very good things in terms of power, but speed would be a problem and until the last part, there was a claim that Kizaru beat G4 with a single attack, but we saw that even Sanji was not affected by Kizaru's kick