Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

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Wtf Kinyagi???? Did you seriously post this false translation??
You definitely know that, as powerscaling savants like @Lee Ba Shou and @Extravlad said before, the Gorosei have shit Haki and are just regen merchants.
Clearly Jinbe's dialogue is a mistake. Change it.
I love how people cling to this head canon when Saturn was literally introduced as a powerful haki user
Maybe tbh.

Either way, we're past Zoro vs Lucci. And there's no way Zoro is done when he hasnt even used KoH even once. Need Mars to inform Venus where Zoro is, next.

I think Zoro won't get anything anymore tbh. Last 5 minutes probably belong to the Iron Giant. Kizaru also won't move until maybe the message.

Or maybe the robot is just a bomb in that case we might still get clashes.
It's true that Luffy is way above Zoro, but how can anyone in their right mind think G5 Luffy failing to put Lucci down makes Zoro look like he's tiers below Luffy after what he did to Lucci? Are you guys even using your eyes and thinking before typing?
Luffy managed putting Lucci down
That's why the fight didn't continue and lucci lost consciousness

Nobody cares if Luffy got up 5 or 10 min after being KOd by Laido..it won't change the fact he lost

Zoro ended the fight by running away while Lucci is conscious and standing
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