Why this queen must die when the likes of York keeps on living 
@Mr. Reloaded this is how you betray the bats, you cursed Stussy-sama to die!!!

@Mr. Reloaded this is how you betray the bats, you cursed Stussy-sama to die!!!

Oda in the flashback makes a parallel between her and kuma. Kuma is the human that is destined to became a robot and die, she is the clone destined to live. She clearly consider her death something good for her, its a peace for her. But she think in this way because she doesnt see her as real as the others. So if she dies Oda basically is confirming Stussy thought. But she is wrong. Even a clone with free will as her is a real human as the others and has the right to find happiness. So I think Lucci still can save her and Kaku
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