Kidd greatness this chapter?

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LMAO there goes any hope for a Blackbeard as final villain

The war from the Void Century isn't over and Imu-sama is literally responsible for the state of the world.

Gloating aside, cool lore. I like the fact that they're living in a lesser period of time, after the Void Century. Can't wait for the inevitable 4 month Void Century flashback.
You literally talking nonesense
Seraphims and Strawhat alliance vs Worosei coming soon

Luffy vs Warcury
Zoro and S Hawk vs Nusjuro
Jinbe and S Jinbe vs Ju Peter
Sanji and S Bear vs Mars
Bonney and S Snake vs Saturn

All match ups may have some help from the other Strawhats and allies.
Won't happen, the Five Elders have the highest authority over them.

Only ones that might help out is S-Bear because of Bonney and a big maybe to S-Snake because of Luffy.
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