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Yeah I feel the same.
I think among Admirals he stands most chance against Sakazuki and Fujitora and least chance against Kizaru and Green Bull due to match ups.

I would agree with Sakazuki being the ideal match-up, Sakazuki is the least technical

Greenbull I don't even see EOS Zoro beating, whatever weakness to his regeneration exists, it probably isn't cutting things up


Lead them to paradise.
Can't call it a sneak, Zoro and Jinbe were after him, idk about the panels but I think the summary said that Nusjuro went in front of them to attack the Sunny. I think both parties were aware of each other. The translation will probably clear it up.
Looking at the raws just before we get panel of Nusjuro preparing to attack Sunny we have Zoro and Jinbe right behind him, hard to think Nusjuro didn't know about them specially when he could already ascertain how many were there previously when he cut the lab in half.
Possibly but like I said the Gorosei view everyone but them as insects, he may have seen them while passing them but probably didnt care.
I agree but Katakuri is dogshit he has no place in a discussion with top tiers
Lucci >> Katakuri
Katakuri's aged well

I'm not seeing how his FS or awakened special paramecia has been powercrept at all
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EoS Zoro is eating Roger and Whitebeard for breakfast lmaoo
WTF Are you waffling about? :suresure:
Roger and Whitebeard aren't technical and lack hax

Greenbull counters Swordsmen, we can see from his fight against Morley that slicing attacks do not work on him and he can simply regrow
Zoro has only really looked as good as he has because he has fought in technical, close-quarter combat punching bags like Kaido, King and Lucci where he can fully show off his one very good trait, his AP

Against a technical fighter like Katakuri, Kizaru or any Admiral really, his weaknesses like requiring Jimbei to catapult him, his otherwise ordinary human durability with no enhancers such as technology, devil-fruits or freak genetics like Meme/Kaido, would be quickly exposed
Kizaru s another cqc fighter
King is more versatile than him
>claims to be a Sanji fan
>does nothing but shit on Sanji lol

>also claims to be an Admiral fan, does nothing but shit on them
I have literally supported Admirals more than anyone for years. Even now I don't shit on them, its just my reaction for Admiral fans taking out Admiral frustration on Zoro when he's got nothing to do with it.

I still maintain Kizaru looked better than Luffy in the fight.
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Katakuri's aged well
No he didn't lol
Lucci stomps


Lead them to paradise.
It was like 5 minutes manga time but he made one crucial mistake. He gave Luffy enough credit to handle himself. Still tho moment he got a hint that Luffy is trash and failing once again, this happened
Lol what happened was him hearing Sanji trash talking him nothing about Luffy lol.

And thats a poor excuse to let your captain handle Kizaru and Saturn and the pacifistas.

Oda fucked up by making Zoro look like an irresponsible Vice Captain. Luffy and Sanji were also made to look incompetent. Everyone got hit by the incompetent bat.
Katakuri's aged well

I'm not seeing how his FS or awakened special paramecia has been powercrept at all
Kizaru treated Snakeman like another day at the office
Any top tier besides Meme can engage with Kizaru in CQC with varying degrees
Katakuri is 1bil level fighter he served his purpose, we're in the big boys league now


Lazy is the way
No Queen is not paired with King.

We know Kaido only brought King and not Queen to Marineford. In flashback Oda showed KaidoKing's first meeting moment and not with Queen. Big Mom never tried to recruit Queen neither same way Shanks tried to recruit Marco and Big Mom tried to recruit King.
Queen is not special just because he is fighting San
Yes he was.

King is stronger than Queen no doubt. And more important in the crew. And closer to Kaido. No doubt.

‘But they were close and paired a lot.

Same intro.
Same bounties areas 1.32/1.39 compared to the 1b for Jack
Both bullying Jack
Both being here in the Wano flashbacks and fighting scabbards
Both fighting together against Marco
Both protecting the floor
Both fighting the two wings at the same time
Both losing back to back in same type of fights and chapters
Both leading the ramenant of the BP against Greenbull and being beaten.

Yeah they were paired a lot.

Well let's be honest Jinbe got more acknowledgment than Sanji
Oda respects Jinbe more than Sanji, when there is a character sacrificed as hype tool it's always Sanji not anyone else
Even fucking Franky already one shotted a VA while Sanji did nothing much and let Vegapunk died
The only truth are those :
- who are the wings ? Sanji and Zoro
- who are the guys honored by the main fights YC1/2 during Wano : Sanji and Zoro

Sanji is often used as hype tools yeah but when shits got real he is the one getting the fights, the narrative and the place as the 3rd guy in the crew. Since the beginning of the show and till the end dear.

Yeah you’re right it seems he suffered a little

but nothing huge

But I guess we can’t know because Sanji has regen now
Clones, laser beams and doing island-wide hit and runs is quite far from being a mere CQC like King or Lucci
Flight,kicks,sword,zoan wings blades,the slingshot attack,fire,magma ,explosions,body weapons
Flight,Pacifista laser,sword,kicks,clones ,pacifista laser
Pacifista laser,pacifista laser :kobeha:
I have literally supported Admirals more than anyone for years. Even now I don't shit on them, its just my reaction for Admiral fans taking out Admiral frustration on Zoro when he's got nothing to do with it.

I still maintain Kizaru looked better than Luffy in the fight.
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No he didn't lol
Lucci stomps
Kata's aged well because CoO as a category of abilities has aged well

CoA and pretty much everything under it's umbrella has seemed to age like a shit left out in the sun (full body coa, barrier coa, advCoa)
- who are the wings ? Sanji and Zoro
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Kata's aged well because CoO as a category of abilities has aged well

CoA and pretty much everything under it's umbrella has seemed to age like a shit left out in the sun (full body coa, barrier coa, advCoa)
Man ngl future sight has been the most useless and worthless ability ever.


Lead them to paradise.
If you pay attention to sequence of events, Zoro was miles away from premises were Saturn and Kizaru was and he had no idea Luffy wasn't able to handle himself.
But I guess..
Yeah but he knew Luffy was fighting Kizaru, knew that a huge navy fleet came and knew a strong Haki appeared on the island. We even see him react to it. So clearly he shouldve finished off Lucci really fast and then go assist his friends and captain.

But Im blaming Oda for making Zoro look like this just for the sake of stalling.
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