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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
This is disgusting zoro couldn’t save the sunny or damage nasjuro causing atlas death

then he doesn’t even have a reaction when atlas had to blow her self up due to zoro weakness
Watch Sanji blame Zoro for Atlas when Sanji let Atlas fly away, despite his super speed.

Maybe Sanji was actually chasing Atlas, and Atlas is faster than Sanji

I told you guys gorosei will keep coming back . The ancient robot is old and toast . Warcury will destroy ancient robot .
Venus is still here and he will likely run after sunny ship after Atlas explosion . Mars will be back .
The full spoiler makes Gandhi look even worse...

This dude was out here having a 1v1 with Atlas man, wtf.
The plot armor and plot convenience on the good side is so ridiculously high, you have Lucci easily getting rid of Atlas with no issues, Kizaru easily handling her as well but one of the strongest Gorosei can't deal with her?

It was a fucking mistake bringing all Gorosei in Egghead Island. It's worse than Big Mom's tantrum at the second half of WCI.

The more we see from them, the more their entire image gets butchered - they are supposed to be final villains btw.
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