That’s certainly not 5 bud
and also stop trying to say that shanks has a hidden fighting style after he was revealed to be roger 2.0
All that hakiman Muay Thai bullshit just for him to learn sword skills from roger
Gee did king always use his sword before fighting Zoro ?
I don’t think so
haki is an ability , not a fighting style
it simply boosts ur sword skills and zoro is a huge example of this
acoc boosted his swordsmanship , he literally created a sword style after it
Try better
- shanks being the strongest acoc user of current age is mere speculation
Oh so are u finally agreeing shanks being a swordsman too ?
cause mihawk being a stronger swordsman than someone who isn’t even swordsman makes 0 fuckin sense
I hope u know that
as if sword skill is the most importantly part of being a swordsman cause zoro has been using trying to upgrade his sword skill through haki ever since he became mihawk’s student
and regarding this ‘ why not stronger ‘ statement
I alrdy addressed this in my first post
why will oda repeat the same shit twice in the same panel
Being the strongest swordsman includes being stronger than shanks
As u said “ all we know is that he is a stronger swordsman “
anyways this is it from my side
I know ur agenda fuelled takes won’t change after this debate so it’s basically useless to exert more effort