Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1123 Spoilers Discussion

Was Sanji mentally nerfed in Egghead?

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No she doesn't and so does Zoro.. Flowing Haki in an object that you're touching is not Internal Destruction.. Zoro doesn't have CoA Barrier either.. You have to understand that Haki Swordsmanship is different CoA application than normal learning CoA..
zoro does not have internal destruction but we clearly see him push kings sword away from him with a haki barrier when he tried to steal it from him after unlocking adv coc. The thing i am getting at is if you believe yamato has adv coc, and also believe she does not have internal destruction like luffy, but she can flow ryou which we saw her attack a numbers monster with as she was falling and we know from her fight with kaido that she can flow adv coc into her weapon. What is stopping zoro from flowing his coc when you quite literally just said that zoro and yamato can both flow haki into their weapons but it's not the advanced internal destruction??? Plus in another post you talked about haki specialty, and while yea luffy affinity is coc haki wouldn't a swordsman grasp flowing coc haki even faster since there affinity is arnament haki?


World's Strongest Swordsman
Where lmao

Please show me proof they fought after he lost the arm

You didn't debunk shit.

Yeah and in that meeting, he says this...

You don't need to settle shit if in the last meeting you won lmao

Mihawk literally mentions his arm as the reason you dumbass...

Check the raws or official or whatever. He literally says one-armed has-been

ie the one arm-ness is the reason for not fighting.

But sure. Mihawk fought one armed shanks before this...

Also what?

Where do you get this fantasy that mihawk won lmao

Shanks asks if mihawk came to challenge. Mihawk says no because of the one arm. Meaning if shanks had 2 arms still, mihawk would have challenged him. No reason to challenge someone if you already won against them lol

You literally have no proof, no evidence, no nothing.

And now you'll basically repeat your factually wrong headcanon and say "i jUsT dEbUnKeD yOu" and run away like you always do lol
I have debunked you.

If they didn't fight the last time

Why would shanks be ready and think mihawk came for a fight

Why would mihawk tell shanks he doesn't fight has beens if he told him last time

You my bitch don't forget
But the chapter 5 title is called '' Pirate King and Daikengou ''..

And Zoro first state his dream in his flashback he says he will become '' The number 1 strongest Kengou '', which means Daikengou should entail WSS title..
Do you think if Zoro defeats Mihawk he revoking is Dai Kengou status
Even without knowledge of Japanese you can figure this out my guy, I believe in you


Lead them to paradise.
> This is Zoro's KOH character design sheet from anime, and they marked each one of his KoH's traits :
Top left corner: "Zoro Haki Release" (ゾロ覇気放出)
•Text near the swords: "Fire" (火) with arrows pointing to the green flames around the swords.
•Top right: "Attack of the color of supreme king" (覇王色のバリツ) - "Haoshoku no Baritsu," which refers to Zoro using an advanced form of Haki, specifically "Haoshoku Haki" (Conqueror's Haki).
•Bottom center: 武装硬化状態から (From Armament Hardening State)
•Bottom left : (next to the smoke):煙・冷気・質感 "Smoke/Steam Effect"
•Bottom text: "Blackened" (黒くなった剣), referring to the swords being imbued with Haki and turning black.

The character in the image is using a powerful technique that involves Conqueror’s haki shown visually with the green flames around his swords.

> Thanks to anime , we get to know better about Zoro's Power up whilst some clowns claimed he used KoH against Zoro .
Very random Zoro wank post from Fenaker lol.
? What I am saying the meaning in the sentence is the same
You cant be the world greatest otherwise

The funny thing is don't know anyone beside here and people that link 50 like twitter accounts here that even hype up

If this guy wasn't linked to zoro less people would know of him than Kalgara who no even talks about who actually performed the feats people make up about ryuma in their head :josad:
ryuuma to his credit has made a name for himself hundreds of years past his death and is a large reason why wano was sealed off
Mihawk hasnt done anything
There isnt a single top tier that has referenced him bar shanks
not kaido , not big mom , not any of the admirals, not any of the revolutionaries, not any of the past yonko or old marines . its the likes of brannew hyping him up.

its dishonest to claim hes a big legend .
The biggest fallacy of claiming that Shanks > Mihawk is that it automatically implies that Zoro won't be WSS after defeating Mihawk, which destroys the whole narrative built around Zoro meeting Mihawk and facing him, and it also implies that Zoro has to defeat Shanks himself which is impossible, even more impossible for it to happen after Mihawk's confrontation
Please, stop the cope. If Shanks or anyone else would be in Mihawk's place, you would've spammed 200 posts about it already. But when it comes to Mihawk, for some reason, there always will be an excuse.


Marco: "Vista, go handle Mihawk 1 on 1"
Mihawk: "I would be a fool if I didn't hear about your name"
Mihawk: "Let's postpone the match"
Vista: "Yeah, that would benefit us both"

Imagine Shanks in Mihawk's place, people would be foaming.
No i don't want Mihawk being used as hype tool coming up short every time he gets compared to a legend of the past like your rat
Mihawk like Ryuma forged a kokuto what legend of the past has the rat ever matched :arnoling:
ryuuma to his credit has made a name for himself hundreds of years past his death and is a large reason why wano was sealed off
Mihawk hasnt done anything
There isnt a single top tier that has referenced him bar shanks
not kaido , not big mom , not any of the admirals, not any of the revolutionaries, not any of the past yonko or old marines . its the likes of brannew hyping him up.

its dishonest to claim hes a big legend .
Not true, Zeff knew him
I have debunked you.
And now you'll basically repeat your factually wrong headcanon and say "i jUsT dEbUnKeD yOu" and run away like you always do lol

If they didn't fight the last time

Why would shanks be ready and think mihawk came for a fight
Because they were old rivals who used to fight years ago?

when a rival of yours that you used to duel a lot pulls up suddenly, you would 100% think he's pulling up to fight lmao

Why would mihawk tell shanks he doesn't fight has beens if he told him last time
You are literally disproving your own idiotic headcanon lmao
Why the fuck would mihawk suddenly have apprehensions about fighting shanks because he only has one arm, if he literally fought a one armed shanks in the past?

You didn't think this through huh clown?

You my bitch don't forget

And now you'll basically repeat your factually wrong headcanon and say "i jUsT dEbUnKeD yOu" and run away like you always do lol
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