Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1123 Spoilers Discussion

Was Sanji mentally nerfed in Egghead?

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It doesn't matter if you just met him recently and they've spent enough time together already, talking about G5 etc... Sanji risked his life for a total stranger like Kinemon back in PH. U don't have to be buddy buddy to worry about someone dying, Sanji is kind like that its not that hard😂
Sanji risked life for stranger like Kinemon. But he saw Luffy saving Robin 2 years ago, still gave himself to Big Mom and when Luffy came all the way to WCI for him, he kicked post Cracker fight Luffy out cold.
Sanji is idiot like that its not that hard 🤮

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul

"Nah just kidding. I'm gonna nearly get your crew killed, then die myself. Hope some Giants show up or something, or you guys might be fucked, LOL. Hope you find the One Piece, though."

The Murder-Game and Escape aspect of this arc being such shit is so frustrating.

Even the announcement had a lot of wide-ranging implications for the world. It was boring to us on a lot of levels, but the One Piece world finding out its history via a global broadcast is really cool. Frustrating, but I'm still glad Oda did it. Dead-man switch is a cool concept not used enough in anime, IMO (shout out Blue Submarine No. 6, which also deals directly with global flooding and has a mad scientist with a dead-man switch).

But, the "The Stella is missing and we know the WG wants to kill Vegapunk... LET'S SPLIT UP GANG!" section is so dumb, and the entirety of the escape sequence being interrupted by a Saturn monologue only for the chase sequence to then magically begin again is so ridiculous I don't know where to start.

Artificial Tension.

That's how I'd described Egghead's problems.

Aritificial Tension.

The outside segments were all great. I hated what happened to Kidd because on Pan and Ghostly, but, fuck it, Shanks is just that strong.

I really hope we get Kizaru next chapter. If after all this, Kizaru just shrugs and goes back to Akainu to report in New Marineford, BLEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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