ONE PIECE CHAPTER 1124: Best Friend

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The interesting part about this chapter is the interaction between Kizaru and Akainu. If we are looking closely at what is said, we see that Kizaru tells Akainu right at the beginning of their conversation that the youngsters will give him the details, when they are waking up.

This is a roundabout way of Kizaru telling him that he will not explain the current situation. And this is bad in two ways: Akainu is not being briefed on the actual situation and therefore unable to assess, what he needs to command now. And the way of how Kizaru tells him this makes Akainu believe that the admiral has no desire to act further on his mission. It’s understandable that he gets agitated in this situation.

And now that Kiazru is psychically not well, Akainu needs to act upon this, as he has to thread very cautiously considering his subject is hindered by him having those feelings of guilt. Because currently Kizaru is the only one, who is able to still follow the Sunny and kill Lilith using his DF ability. The other marines are not able to do so, because they are still out cold.

The second thing that is interesting is Luffy. Look at him: He is utmost gloomy because he could not protect the Stellar from being killed. Doesn’t this remind you of at least two other scenes in One Piece?:

The first scene is from Sabaody. Here Kuma did send the SHPs one after the other away using his paw-paw-fruit. Luckily, he did not killthem, but only send them on different islands. But for Luffy, alone being not able to stop Kuma was a deep cut in his self-esteem. He blamed himself for the outcome.

The second scene is even more important and happens during Marineford. Here Ace dies in front of Luffy and we see how great of an impact this has on Luffy, as he goes into shock. Right after Marineford we have Jinbe and Luffy with Luffy outright feeling responsible for the death of Ace, because he was not strong enough to protect him.

Oda picks this theme up again.

Zoro even commented on Luffy’s mental state, calling him pathetic. But Zoro also did not live through what Luffy had to endure to understand, what his captain currently feels. There is still that open wound of Luffy not really knowing, if he is strong enough to safe his friends. Oda pointing at it here can be harbinger of him finally going to address this issue during Egghead again.

And look: It was Kizaru, who told Luffy during Marineford, that “Without strength, you wont be able to safe anyone.” Luffy still has this wound that he has to proof that he is able and strong enough to protect the people he loves and cares for.

As a reminder: Egghead is not over, yet. Oda’s editor told us a few weeks ago that there will be a twist in the arc. Since that twist has not happened as of now, we still need it to happen. Besides, many fans can only speculate what the Egghead incident is, as many can not distinguish, what Oda referred to using that term. Oda also did not call any of what happened Egghead incident. Not Vegapunk’s speech, nor the Gorosei showing up at Egghead. And since, Oda has not specified what the incident really was/is, it must mean that it has not happened, yet. Because, why else would he not comment on it, and give us at least confirmation that it had happened and what it was. Usually, he does this by using his narrator windows. In this chapter we see some narrator windows, However, if you look at the narrator windows here, you will notice that those do look totally different from the ones, he usually uses at the end of arcs, when he intends to give us a little bit of narration-depth. It indicates that we have not reached the end of the arc, yet.

Also, look at the editor, who always drops a hint during break week. He writes that: “The Major incident at Egghead has concluded. The crew is … ?!” This phrasing is interesting, since he on the one hand tells us that Egghead is done. On the other, he begins a sentence, only to be cut from what he just wanted to say. The interesting part is the cut and the “… ?!” at the end. It indicates that something happened during this sentence that was surprising and shocking and made him stop mid-sentence. This means that we will get something surprising and something shocking in the near future, maybe even in chapter 1125.

This means that since the SHPs are currently leaving Egghead, and have no intention of going back, we need someone from the WG to do something in order to bring or get the SHPs back to Egghead. And the only marine standing and being able to do anything at the moment is Kizaru. Kizaru needs to act and initiate interaction.