Keep coping Ndule

Big Mom was
furious at Ulti for wounding Tama yet couldn’t even make sure Ulti wouldn’t be a danger to Tama anymore despite a triple homie sneak named attack and Nami/Usopp had to finish the job 2 chapters later
I persist Kizaru does not have any similar anti feat when it comes to AP as Oda was smart enough to not make him bloodlusted and only have him use low end fodder shit when dealing with anyone not named Luffy unlike with Meme where he doesn’t care
He couldn't beat Franky, base bonney,
Couldn't damage them
You can cry like you want
Lucci did better to fresh sentomaru than Kizaru' did to injured Sentomaru

ancient zoan Ulti was almost dead from 1 move
Btw, sentomaru isn't even a zoan and yet he was up after taking Kizaru named attacks
Lucci's AP > Kizaru's
That's how pathetic Kizaru is

Saturn at least defeated Bonney and Dobermann
Who did Kizaru really beat? Nerfed Sentomaru for 2 minutes?
Funny how you guys claim Kizaru wasn't beaten nor oneshotted by Luffy while being down for few minutes after 1 move but claim Sentomaru was oneshotted or beaten cause he was down for few minutes