ONE PIECE, CHAPTER 1126: Taking Responsibility

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Wuzan the Goat

Fought Garp the Fist. Took his all out punches to the chin and even after only 2 days of rest he is completely bandage free even though he was previously wrapped up like a mummy.

TCB confirms Kuzan going all out and barely defeating Garp is fake news.

Come in bois. We won. @Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @Extravlad @ZenZu @MonochromeYoru

Pissryu agenda finished😂😂😂😂😂
@HA001 @L57 @Topi Jerami

Kaido needs an entire week and is still bandaged up after Togen totsuka.
Is Kuzan now the new durability monster ?
@MonsterKaido @Hanzo hattori
Really enjoyed that chapter. Fun Strawhat stuff, Blackbeard plotting and Red Hair ruthlessness is all what I look for

The Bonney Kuma page was a nice cap to their Egghead story

I don’t for a second think that any of the Barto pirates have actually been killed (no point going through the test, letting them go all to blow them up) but they have been punished for what they did. Also, Yassop > Kid, doesn’t need his ultimate attack to blow up a ship

Blackbeard plotting to inflitrate Mariejois stepping up a notch with Lafitte being on guard there. The Saturn death might end up screwing them though, when they attempt to copy him. Will depend if Saturn’s death gets covered up.

Don’t know if the lego house Nami is in is a hallucination or not.
Wuzan the Goat

Fought Garp the Fist. Took his all out punches to the chin and even after only 2 days of rest he is completely bandage free even though he was previously wrapped up like a mummy.

TCB confirms Kuzan going all out and barely defeating Garp is fake news.

Come in bois. We won. @Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @Extravlad @ZenZu @MonochromeYoru

Pissryu agenda finished😂😂😂😂😂
@HA001 @L57 @Topi Jerami

Kaido needs an entire week and is still bandaged up after Togen totsuka.
Is Kuzan now the new durability monster ?
@MonsterKaido @Hanzo hattori
0/10 rage bait
Thank god we can read :suresure:
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Wuzan the Goat

Fought Garp the Fist. Took his all out punches to the chin and even after only 2 days of rest he is completely bandage free even though he was previously wrapped up like a mummy.

TCB confirms Kuzan going all out and barely defeating Garp is fake news.

Come in bois. We won. @Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @Extravlad @ZenZu @MonochromeYoru

Pissryu agenda finished😂😂😂😂😂
@HA001 @L57 @Topi Jerami

Kaido needs an entire week and is still bandaged up after Togen totsuka.
Is Kuzan now the new durability monster ?
@MonsterKaido @Hanzo hattori
Tcb is not official and gets it wrong 90% of the time. Old garp > Kuzan confirmed 👌
navy will fish barto club out of the water and bring them to impeldown, to await execution. other grand fleet members just assaulted charlos. barto will be used as a stand in for them, also akainu will use him as bait to get joyboy to marine hq
The East Blue 5 (+ Chopper) are together, that’s so exciting, the start of Elbaf looks promising.
I love Blackbeard as strategist, he is in a good position in this moment and he still send his men on a secret mission ( Lafitte finally appaered again :finally:). Regarding Red hair pirates, Yasopp is a real piece of shit, poor Bartolomeo :josad:
Wuzan the Goat

Fought Garp the Fist. Took his all out punches to the chin and even after only 2 days of rest he is completely bandage free even though he was previously wrapped up like a mummy.

TCB confirms Kuzan going all out and barely defeating Garp is fake news.

Come in bois. We won. @Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @Extravlad @ZenZu @MonochromeYoru

Pissryu agenda finished😂😂😂😂😂
@HA001 @L57 @Topi Jerami

Kaido needs an entire week and is still bandaged up after Togen totsuka.
Is Kuzan now the new durability monster ?
@MonsterKaido @Hanzo hattori
Considering only one day (two at most) passed and Pizarro is still wearing bandages it seems Kuzan only wore them to pretend he got damaged, Kuzan holding back lot of his power agenda going strong