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CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
Sanji robs the Caesar of his Father's love.

Sanji and I would make the same face if we saw Caesar and Judge making out, OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Zoro gets destroyed by any admiral or yonko 1v1 and is much more comparable to Sanji than Luffy.

Zoro does have ACoC and hence can compete with top tiers in terms of AP(even that, on to an extent). But he cannot compete with top tier speeds or FS.

Sanji on the other hand has much better speed and CoO than Zoro, meaning even if he can’t match Zoro’s AP, in a 1v1, Zoro would still have considerable difficulty as he’d have a hard time tagging Sanji.
This is an extremely wild take.

Firstly, saying Zoro can compete with top-tiers "to an extent" AP-wise is insane considering he has displayed some of the highest AP in the verse. He maimed Lucci with a single mid-end attack, the same Lucci who looked fresh 2mins after fighting the Yonko G5 Luffy. He scarred Kaido prior to awakening KOH and becoming significantly stronger. His AP was so high that it canonically scared a flame-on Lunarian who are known to be nigh-invulnerable with their flames on. KOH Asura is set to be one of the stronger attacks in the verse upon its reveal.

Secondly, Sanji has faster movement speed and greater mobility than Zoro - do not confuse that with combat speed. Zoro is so fast that he casually dodged a barrage attack from awakened Lucci - the same awakened Lucci who kept up with G5 Luffy and had his speed hyped by Vegapunk. Lucci possesses the same mobility as Sanji and did it help him? No. He was casually blitzed by a distracted Zoro and brutally maimed in a single attack. Nothing suggests that Sanji is even above Lucci lol.

If Sanji is so fast then tell me why he was tagged and heavily wounded by Queen's Winch Arm. And if Zoro is slower than Sanji, please tell me when was the last time Zoro was tagged by a noteworthy attack since awakening ACoC.

Zoro has fought King, Lucci and Venus since awakening ACoC and which one managed to tag him with a named attack? None of them. So you can't tell me that Sanji is faster than Zoro or has better CoO, when it's Zoro that has yet to be tagged by opponents infinitely faster than the opponent that post-power up Sanji was tagged by. That literally makes no sense and all evidence points to your claim being 100% false.

So now that we have established that Sanji has infinitely worse AP and is in fact slower than Zoro, please explain why Zoro would possibly have a hard time tagging Sanji when even slow-ass Queen could. Zoro casually blitzed awakened Lucci who is at the very least on par with Sanji and you're deadass trying to tell everyone here that Zoro will struggle to blitz Sanji lmfao. Y'all need to dead this rhetoric of Sanji being this super fast, untouchable character - this man gets tagged all the damn time. Venus casually chomped on him and Sanji could do fuck-all about it lmfao - the same Venus was using ACoC on Zoro. I have no idea why you have this strange rhetoric about Zoro being too slow to keep up with top-tiers when he's infinitely faster than Big Mom who herp derp, is a top-tier. What suggests that Zoro is slower than Oden, who was also a top-tier? What suggests that he is slower than Rayleigh, Fujitora, Ryokugyu? Y'all really just be making shit up. Not all top-tiers are Kizaru.

Zoro and Sanji exist in different tiers - as soon as Zoro awakened ACoC he entered a different conversation. Zoro and Luffy are the only two CoC/ACoC users on the crew and exist within the same tier. Luffy needs G4 just to match Santoryu Zoro - Luffy possesses stronger ACoC and better CQC due to FS but a battle between him and Zoro is far more difficult than a battle between Zoro and Sanji, which is a stomp.
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CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
Does this mean those animals could beat Doflamingo in a 1v1
Doflamingo vs all of the animals of Rusukaini would be a really fun One Piece what if story, IMO.

Doffy in a limited environment, focusing on survival against monsters.

Lots of string traps. Parasite String to control animals to make them fight against each other.

One Piece has so many interesting what if situations for me, and there are a lot of artists more creative than me out there.


Zoro dodged air pressure deflected at lightspeed doesn't mean zoro moves at lightspeed clown. Reaction speed and movement speeds are different things. That is why zoro needed to be thrown towards Nasjuro and pica. I knew you were always blind but not this blind pero
except you said queen was using ''light speed attacks'' so now apparently kuma's light speed is slower than queen's light speed :suresure:
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