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Real snipers generally move as soon as they're discovered.

Usopp and Nami running away is part of their characters, but their Haki is always going to be shit until their Wills get strong enough to fight Yonkou officers.

They aren't playing Pirates anymore. Elbaf has the strongest known army in the world. This isn't Wano, the WG doesn't fuck with Elbaf because they don't have the manpower to do it.

Straw Hats aren't always going to have a Samurai Alliance backing them when they go up against a Yonkou Crew.

Usopp and Nami running away from fights in order to survive/win is fine.

Usopp's ideal fighting style is him vs Persona, IMO, and Nami's is her vs Kalifa.

Oda not giving Nami and Usopp full 1v1s with Ulti and Page One makes a lot of sense now (rematches soon???)
Imagine reading this and still being a fan of Zoro lmao. Blandest anime character ever. Weak as shit and Oda hates everyone related to his endgame goal. 🤣
Who is your favourite character? You've started talking only about Zoro lately. Why are you trying to imitate JoNdule?
I thought whoever made the Castle ate Lego Lego No Mi
And that there was another DF User responsible for Kidnapping Sunny
But seeing all of this makes it look like They are actually inside a Fantasy Book
This feels similar to Book Book No Mi so maybe something like Dream Dream No Mi or Fable Fable No Mi ... etc

Seeing how Elbaf is Fable Reversed and how Animals there are all Oversized & They have Magical Food ... etc
I think entire Elbaf Territory is created by this DF or whatever it is, meaning it's not a Normal Island, it's actually a Dream Land
(After all, Nika is from Elbaf and Usopp who is all about Lies & Dreams & imagining things as more than They are, have his Goal related to it)

This Island is also Confirmed to exist by Saruyama Alliance who after Skypiea Arc decided to search for "Island of Dreams".
Elbaf seems to be it, and it makes sense that Oldest Giant there is the one who have this DF & Controls all Land.
Dorry confirmed in Little Garden Arc that their Ruler is named "Elbaf" & He controls their Fate (However They never said that They know how)

So imo Elbaf Land is actually Island of Dreams (Nakrowa) that is completely under Control of it's Ruler also named "Elbaf" & his DF.
Actually, everything about Elbaf is inspired from Norse Mythology & i believe these Dream Lands/Kingdoms are like Nine Realms.
This also explains how Kid Pirates wd Survive (They are sent to another Dream Land somewhere in Elbaf)
Real snipers generally move as soon as they're discovered.

Usopp and Nami running away is part of their characters, but their Haki is always going to be shit until their Wills get strong enough to fight Yonkou officers.

They aren't playing Pirates anymore. Elbaf has the strongest known army in the world. This isn't Wano, the WG doesn't fuck with Elbaf because they don't have the manpower to do it.

Straw Hats aren't always going to have a Samurai Alliance backing them when they go up against a Yonkou Crew.

Usopp and Nami running away from fights in order to survive/win is fine.

Usopp's ideal fighting style is him vs Persona, IMO, and Nami's is her vs Kalifa.

Oda not giving Nami and Usopp full 1v1s with Ulti and Page One makes a lot of sense now (rematches soon???)
Ulti is probably dead now
Oda likes gags more than anything
Even if Nami had power to one-shot Kaido
She will still run away from some weak character
That's never changing
And neither Nami's character is about that
And some people wanting 5 Zoro wouldn't change it
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