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The constant breaks are the real issue imo because they actually tear apart the tension between chapters when you have to wait more than a week. Especially when you're anticipated but the chapter didn't meet your expectations.
outside the silhouette piece (fuck you oda), this chapter seems to be your standard island introduction, with likely some pretty nice pages
issue is that we only had ONE chapter these pasts 4 weeks lol
The constant breaks are the real issue imo because they actually tear apart the tension between chapters when you have to wait more than a week. Especially when you're anticipated but the chapter didn't meet your expectations.

3 chapters a month was good but now we're getting more and more breaks due to either health issues or due to the OPLA.
completely killed my interest in this series which is fucking saddening :josad:

but ill still read until the end


Lazy is the way
Many people sleep on WCi but it was the best arc post timeskip, the only arc where the Yonkou crew
reputation was shown onpanel in massive hype. Starting with Cracker vs Luffy, showing off how hard it was for Luffy to defeat a Sweet commander even with help.

Then whole plot around Sanji and Vinsmoke(i loved it), the plot point with the Red Poneglphy with Pedro and Brook. Even thought we had lot of Big Mom pirates member, Oda really did a good show to give them proper portrayal(enraged army beating Luffy via teamwork and haki).

And teaparty was peak with the total defeat of the alliance, they didn´t even had any chance.
Followed with crazy good flashback about Big Mom who show us her character and why she became what she became.

And even if wedding cake shit was annoying, Big Mom reputation as monster was still there, they didn´t even try to fight her back. And as you said, Carrot Sulong form, Big Moms top members leading the army with strategy and good plans, Perospero as none sweet commander lived up his hype too. Everything was perfect, top with Katakuri as main antagonist, dude was a meniac and got the best fight Luffy ever had(post timeskip).

We all got what we wanted for that arc:
- Luffy getting stronger and learning powerups...
- Interact between half strawhats, good pace
- Great villians, Yonkou crew worth calling a beast crew.
- Big Mom with a amazing flashback

Wci was peak and Wano can dream to be close to that writing lvl what Oda show in WCi arc.
I mean what we learn from Kaido?
Nothing, literally nothing, why he was suicide?
Who caught him 18 times, which been the 7 people who defeated him, why he became like how he became?
He got a entire arc with 150chapters and we didn´t learn anything about him??

We spend rather with screentime with useless characters, who been more important for Oda rather Kaido...
Wano was a disaster, the beast pirates(Jack didn´t had any named attack or a proper fight).

Wano had good moments, but overall it was a disaster and fiasco of a arc.
We got 150chapters, the pace was shit, to many characters, to many useless characters..
Wano is for me the worst arc Oda ever draw, it was really poor and I think Oda never really know how to write that arc, I feel like he made lot of changes with made the arc longer and worse...

Let hope we never get something similar like Wano ever again.
And Zoro traitement for fuck sake

some fights and great feats and fan service but 00000 depth, 0000 dev, 0000 backstory, 00000 connection with Wano, nadaaaa


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
Of course they are bro, getting huge numbers like this after 25years, only One Piece can do it.
But still it is interesting that we has 2mio less sales as last year even thought both got 3 volumes.
Losing 2Mio readers in one year is crazy.
in general people are buying less printed media


Lazy is the way
The constant breaks are the real issue imo because they actually tear apart the tension between chapters when you have to wait more than a week. Especially when you're anticipated but the chapter didn't meet your expectations.

3 chapters a month was good but now we're getting more and more breaks due to either health issues or due to the OPLA.
Yeah 3 chap a month is kinda okay

but we wish we have that consistently lol

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
WCI is the best post timeskip has to offer. But we had chapters like this in WCI too
This is why I like to judge arcs as a whole, rather than by chapter. I love Egghead as an arc, but so many chapters made me cringe and roll my eyes with horrible pacing.

This is why I haven't judge Wano fully: still waiting on what Oda does with Pluton/the Borders, Oden's dream.

Oda's creativity and passion are still top tier, it's just that he's a middle-aged, overworked too hell-and-back man (and that's his fault, Oda has always resisted taking breaks he needs until he crashes from exhaustion), and doesn't have the physical capability to produce a fully-realized arc like Water 7/Enies Lobby, or Impel Down/Marineford anymore.

Wano and Egghead have some of my favorite moments in the series, but they are nowhere near the quality of prime One Piece. Alabasta through Marineford is the most spoiled a fanbase might ever be. Amazing art, pacing, worldbuilding, fights, and characters.

I've come to really love the Time Skip, but Oda's quality fell off after Whole Cake Island. He pushed himself too damn hard. Oda needed to take these month long breaks during the Time Skip (like 3 months) after Dressrosa (like a month) and then before Wano (like 3 months) to get the stuff in order. I hope Oda can find the right balance between maintaining his vision for One Piece, while letting others help him with the art.

I hate people joking about it, but, people die. Oda will die, just like us. I want him to end One Piece on his terms, even if Oda's ending to the series pisses me off. He's earned that.
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