Another garbage chapter from lord Loda. Another instance of fake tension created only for it to be the most unfunny, 3rd grade level joke. He even tried taking advantage of nostalgia (not like actual high IQ people reading this story have any nostalgia or emotions connected to this pile of hot garbage after wano) by making Robin have the most standard and non emotional reunion with Saul. He should have either killed Saul or just stopped with that fakeout death bs
It’s a desperate and FAILED attempt in trying to recover overrated hentai material Nico Robin’s character which has been near non existent post ts outside of the Black Maria fight and the moment where she saved Rebecca from the falling blades (which is somehow enough to please Onepiss fans. Like i know the standards are low but 2 fucking moments in 600 chapters? Seriously? How pathetic can your fanbase get).
but I’ll give Loda the credit for atleast trying to save her character and maybe it’ll be more emotional when the actual panels come out. Seems like it’s going to be another average 5/10 chapter which is somehow better than the filler slop we’ve been receiving so far in Elbaf outside the Loki introduction chapter