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Hmmm Vegapunk said that the void century was a war of ideals, to a point where it was hard to say who was in the right whether it was JB or the CD / Imu so I wonder....

What if the whatever happened during the first world triggered something apparently unavoidable

They realized some bad evil will appear in the future and had a big ass disagreement on how to deal with it JB's side believed one thing, the 20 kings believed something else, they had a big war ( void century ) the 20 kings (apparently) won somehow and kept the world stagnant hoping that if no change happens then that event will also never happen...

Would explain why they chased after JoyBoy's devil fruit, not to use his power but to make sure no one else would use it and trigger whatever catastrophic event would happen in the future...
This confirms absolutely beastly levels for Luffy's crew. god level luffy nika needs a world alliance against imu, who would practically shit on all the current higher levels. If Luffy will be a god level, at least, Zoro will have to be a Roger/Shiro/Garp level, all of them in their prime, but Zoro will be more, I think it's for sure. Sanji will be yonkou level at least kaido level. jinbe at least a YC+ And I can continue.
This confirms absolutely beastly levels for Luffy's crew. god level luffy nika needs a world alliance against imu, who would practically shit on all the current higher levels. If Luffy will be a god level, at least, Zoro will have to be a Roger/Shiro/Garp level, all of them in their prime, but Zoro will be more, I think it's for sure. Sanji will be yonkou level at least kaido level. jinbe at least a YC+ And I can continue.
I agree but Jimbei yc+ seems too little, maybe between yc+ and top tier
This confirms absolutely beastly levels for Luffy's crew. god level luffy nika needs a world alliance against imu, who would practically shit on all the current higher levels. If Luffy will be a god level, at least, Zoro will have to be a Roger/Shiro/Garp level, all of them in their prime, but Zoro will be more, I think it's for sure. Sanji will be yonkou level at least kaido level. jinbe at least a YC+ And I can continue.
Maybe a few, yes... Zoro, Sanji, Jinbe, Robin, Franky, Brook... But can you imagine Usopp being that "beastly"?
couple of things is I think blackbeard will fuse with imu some how in the final war or it could be an all out war with every one .
And What ever one piece is has the power to change the world. (one piece is a giant pencil confirm jk )
Ripley saying it's a child dream makes me think that everything happing in the story is based on someone's imagination in other words the history of the world is a made up story that an elpah child dreamed up and it some how became manifested in the world.
The Harley is a childs journal that got mistaken for religious text . because it was written in a ancient language that no one understands now. there may be a power in elpah or somewhere in the world that turns manifest imagination into reality. no im not talking about devil fruits but a power that's able to have whole events be played out in reality.
The First World was destroyed by humans themselves. They created technology based in Mother Flame, and they lost control over it. They were earthquakes (God of Earth) and Nuclear Explosion (Serpent from Hell). Nuclear winter was next (Death and darkness)
Humanity rebuild itself after first extinction. Devil Fruits appeared (God of Earth sending demons). Great Kingdom arises and starting a war (Sun merely merely spreads embers war). The people of the half moon could be from Wano. People from the Moon could be Sky People. Alliance of the 20 kingdoms was able to defeat Great Kingdom and they became Celestial Dragon's. Sea rises by 200 meters.
New Nika Devil Fruit user arrives. He creates new alliance that is able to defeat World Government. Great Kingdom is rebuild
Interesting idea
Luffy is a pure brawler and any weapon use by him so far was comedic (except when he was Nightmare Luffy).
If the parallel remains then I could see the two of them representing his sword and shield in a metaphoric way, not necessarily in a tema fight vs Imu
He is the weapon