One Piece Chapter 1141: 'Older woman'

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Didn't Loki leave Elbaph and Shanks brought him back? They basically went out of their way to make sure he kept his weapon lol
He escaped after that also and was brought down by the whole island working together

Seems they may have known that he is an asset, and that if he ever needs to be freed to save the island from something worse he will need his weapon.

If the weapon is really a legendary item then it also makes sense to hide it with the raid boss, since whoever wants to get it has to go through him. Built in security system.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Scopper cut the tree branch Ripley is describing, here, and it was used to build the Sunny.

Gaban's introduction involved him "destroying every tree" on a mountain. Elbaph is full of mountains and is known for its Giant Tree, Yggdrasil.

Rayleigh coated the Sunny; IMO, Scopper helped "build" the Sunny by cutting up this branch.

The Adam Wood Franky bought using the money the Franky Family stole from Usopp in Water 7, that was used to build the Sunny, was sold to a broker by Gaban, who, as a former pirate, sells Adam Wood on the black market to make money.

Franky is being shown this because he used the wood from this branch of Yggrdasil to literally build the Sunny.

We're literally staring at the birthplace of the Sunny Go, IMO.
Loki ain’t going to be as strong as the admirals

He’s ancient giant size. Remember what Oars was like? He had good AP and endurance but was a walking target.

Loki will be the same. He’ll probably have top tier AP and endurance but everyone will be able to dodge his attacks and land hits on him.

Which is to say he’ll be Big Mom 2.0

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Ever since Oda posted this in an SBS:
  • Zoro: Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu (Fish Fish Fruit, Mythical Type Model: Seiryuu), "I'd want the sword to turn into a dragon rather than Zoro. I think that would be insanely cool."
I've wanted Zoro to kill Kaido to get Kaido's Fruit in the Wado Ichimonji.

IMO, Devil Fruit weapons are AWESOME, and, up until Shamrock, we've only had mostly jobber Fruits.

Yes, Mr. 4's Gun, Lassoo, ate the Dog Dog Fruit... whohoo. Spandam had a sword that ate an Elephant Fruit. Funkfried is super cool, but still; weak.

We were told that the Fruit Loki stole is passed down through Royalty... IMO, that means Harald had EATEN the Fruit.

If Loki killed Harald with Ragnir... it's possible his hammer, Ragnir, "ate" the Devil Fruit.

This would explain why, despite the Marines knowing how this tech works, they don't use it: in order to turn a weapon into a Devil Fruit, you have to kill the prior User of the Fruit with the weapon. The Marines wouldn't want to go around murdering people in order to make tech; bad for publicity.

Spandam and Shamrock, though? They're Cipher Pol and Holy Knights; they're bad boys. They don't play by the rules.

If Loki DOESN'T have a Devil Fruit himself, it explains why it was so hard for all of Elbaph to attach him to the Treasure Tree Adam; the Seastone Chain won't weaken him, just keep him from getting free.

So, keeping Loki chained up won't reduce his powers... it will just limit his mobility.

IMO, I really want Loki's Fruit to be Jörmungandr. Jörmungandr releasing their tail is one of the signs of Ragnarok; this can be referenced to Loki's chains, a coiled, indestructible "snake".

Hajrudin: "Loki! Put Ragnir down!"

Hajrudin's focus is on Loki's WEAPON, not Loki himself.

I think Loki eventually will collapse due to blood loss, but, before that, he's going to kick some SERIOUS ass.

The New Giants Warrior Pirates are about to get hype-tooled to hell and back (they are literally in their country's "underworld"), and I think we might see our first instance of Gear 5 getting out-classed in a pure strength clash.

Robin and Chopper are at the library near the school that's about to get attacked:

Loki, be a bro, and smash Sanji so hard, he flies over to where the Holy Knights are, so he can protect Robin. Thank you.
On the cover page, Page One just can't catch a break. I even feel bad for Ulti, here. At least her abuse is filled with love. So, Yamato...anytime you wanna step in would be great.

Nami didn't even get any treasure! She was robbed! While trying to rob someone else! I'm pretty sure that's even worse!

It does kind of make you wonder who stole all the treasure in the first place, though. Not sure if that's a future plot point or not, but it's something to keep in mind. Unless the idea is that King Harald was funneling all the treasure and money to the World Government while he was working with them.

Hmm...lightning struck the tree and started a fire you say. Foreshadowing Loki's powers, perhaps? Fire and Lighning...hmm.

"I'm into older women" *Looks over in Imu's general direction* You don't say... don't slap another man's sword. Rude.

It's kind of adorable that Road claims he was "researching" the castle in order to make his Lego model more accurate, so Gerd doesn't find out what he did for Nami. I could buy that. He seems like the type to have done stuff like that before. His "two timing" is probably going to blow up in his face, though.

Every party needs a pooper that's why we invited you, Party Pooper....Party Pooper.

I'm not sure if Road was one of the Giants who helped fight Loki the first time around. But, he's not taking Loki's possible escape very seriously.

Luffy makes it sound like Loki's pets may not be dead, after all. That's good! They're just resting. They're FINE!

"If he is dead, that is simply his fate" ...You okay, Zoro? I know some people have already pointed out that Zoro's been acting a little more harsh than normal recently. They might have a point.

"Anyone who becomes my friend is off the menu" Hmm...given my recent theory, I think this could be foreshadowing of a sort.

Island clouds can't sustain themselves in the realm of the dead. That feels like important information to squirrel away for later. So, cold weather affects island clouds. Just like how cold weakened Oars back on Thriller Bark. Hmm...

It's pretty fun that Luffy's air bag also ends up getting them knocked around. And that they all warn Luffy not to free Loki...just a LITTLE too late.

Loki is free! This arc is about to kick into high gear! And he's wielding his hammer Ragnir! Loki's got Ragnir, so let's ROCK this Ragnarok!