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I'm all for Usopp having a great fight, but at the same time, I have a hard time believing Sommers will be his opponent.

The last major fights Usopp had were against Perona, Daruma, and Sugar.

Usually Oda has Usopp fight the weakest member of the group, I really don't think Sommers is the weakest member between him, Gunko, and Killingham.
He does fight opponent that have gimmick abilities though (Perona, Sugar) and Sommer totally has one
People expecting a fight with Loki
only for later to be revealed that he was secretly a good guy just trying to act bad like Vegeta and Loki never really fighting Goofy and goons

Can't wait for realization that Holy Jobbers are actually the real villains this arc and they are there to just get defeated by Usopp or something while m3 are pretending to be in fake conflict with Loki
what vegeta did you watch?

he was not a good guy in dbz pre namek lol
no retard

Loki is the fucking arc villain

he will fuck condom boy in the ass and destroy elfab
Loki believes he’s the Nika of destruction because he doesn’t even know that Luffy is the true Nika

you think it’s a coincidence that no giant has acknowledged that Luffy has the df of their god? They all just think Luffy “looks like Nika”, none of them has actually acknowledged that Luffy has the legit fruit of their god

Also, Harald was in business with the holy knights so killing him is a officially a good thing

also also, fuck you
I'm all for Usopp having a great fight, but at the same time, I have a hard time believing Sommers will be his opponent.

The last major fights Usopp had were against Perona, Daruma, and Sugar.

Usually Oda has Usopp fight the weakest member of the group, I really don't think Sommers is the weakest member between him, Gunko, and Killingham.
Usopp generally fight people with weird abilities
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