@Elder Lee Hung is a big advocate of "Yamato = F6 level," even after witnessing Yamato shooting Ulti and, even in base while handcuffed, going toe-to-toe with G2/G3 Luffy—who had just fought 1v2 against two F6 members. Hybrid Yamato was even able to hold off Kaidou, who was trying to teach his daughter a lesson.
Now, Base Yamato one-shots Jinbei's opponent with a Thunder Bagua, which was likely performed in base form rather than in hybrid form—the same Thunder Bagua that Ulti mocked for being far, far inferior to Kaidou's.

The guy would rather say that the girl who blew GB’s head up in base form and had her Haki praised is F6 level. At least he's being consistent here, since Morley—who's a 10,000-level commander—managed to fight the admiral on equal footing in MG. And according to GB's own words, he’d have to go all out against someone like Morley.