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holy shit hes chopping a million identical badly drawn chinese guys in half this is so fire!!!! ive never seen this before in kingdom!!! the action is so dynamic and amazing hes sitting stiffly on a horse and random body parts fly around this paneling is so genius

Kingdom fans are just hypocritical as fuck out of sheer butthurt that Hara doesn’t cater to their delusions lmfao
Who let you escape the mental ward Ndule. Tell me their name and we will only sedate you with half the usual dose.
Lol I've never placed Mihawk below katakuri
I just don't believe he can beat katakuri based on feats
Based on portrayal, he can but katakuri isnt also a swordsman so the WSS portrayal doesn't work here

He's a fraudulent top tier white katakuri is inbetweener
Mihawk high diffs katakuri if he's truly strong
holy shit hes chopping a million identical badly drawn chinese guys in half this is so fire!!!! ive never seen this before in kingdom!!! the action is so dynamic and amazing hes sitting stiffly on a horse and random body parts fly around this paneling is so genius

Kingdom fans are just hypocritical as fuck out of sheer butthurt that Hara doesn’t cater to their delusions lmfao


When were you under the impression this game is..
holy shit hes chopping a million identical badly drawn chinese guys in half this is so fire!!!! ive never seen this before in kingdom!!! the action is so dynamic and amazing hes sitting stiffly on a horse and random body parts fly around this paneling is so genius

Kingdom fans are just hypocritical as fuck out of sheer butthurt that Hara doesn’t cater to their delusions lmfao
Honestly in awe at the fight choreography :neesama:
I'll present you the first time he uses it, as it happened with those two.

Aramaki is inspired after someone who is "secretly" an incredible swordsman for a reason.
Doesn't matter who this bum is inspired by the two confirmed kokuto wielders got direct statements first time they got introduced it didn't take 100 chapters to reveal it lol so that excuse isn't going to fly

Mihawk in his first introdcution flexes with yoru again Loda giving us direct confirmation

Kokuto wielders pride themselves in their blades swordsmanship above all twerkbull instead rely more heavily on his logia df. Don't forget we have seen this bum fight multiple times already every time we have seen him resorting to his ugly broccoli form he has nothing in common with these legends
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