HAHAHA, wasting your ''valuable Zoro fanboy time'' - i am so sorry. But i don't get how i wasted it??? lol
Why do you write ''He fucking looked at it then got his haki straight back. Then was shown to be training with it.''? Unnecessary. But i guess, you didn't understand what my comment was About.
Zoro didn't tame it and because of that the Sword sucked his arm dry (to make it understandable for you - YES, ZORO GOT IT BACK - never said the opposide. But it doesn't matter.). The Point is, someone above ''normal'' can use it, but your arm (or whatever) gets sucked out - but you still can used the Sword for one attack. So, you don't have to tame to, to actually use it, without getting knocked out. But it would still dry out your Haki and for a longer use it's not very usefull then. To be able to use it for more then only 1 attack, you have to ''tame'' the Sword, so it doesn't suck you dry everytime to try to make an attack.
Do you understand it now?
''To even use it he needs to be near oden level as he is the only one EVER to use it.'' - Nowhere it is said that - turn off your fanboy head for 1 Minute... ''TAME IT''.
Why do i even try, Zoro fanboys don't like the truth. Like i said with my first comment, the manga busted 2 of your main ''hype arguments'' which you use for over 120 pages, in the spoiler thread. The manga busted them, but start to irgnore it, so you don't look stupid and start with some BS like, Zoro have to be Oden Level, while it's nowhere said lmao. But i wonder, if Zoro is the whole time YC2+, then why did he struggle against Hawkins, mental damaged Killer, Kyoushiro, Doffy's strings? hmm