One Piece Chapter 964 Spoilers Discussion

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He's not lol
Oden is adventurous , has goofy side and serious mode
He doesn't like being ordered around
He's a womanizer
exactly. having no sense of navigation is just a trait which happen to be posessed by the two of them. But personality-wise, they arent close at all. Which is why i said "one of the few things separating Oden and Zoro" with personality in general being one of them.
anyways u seem to misunderstood my comment bcs i put coma which now i have edited. My point is i dont think they are similar in terms of personality at all.
People should stop pretending as if Roger=Luffy or Shanks=Luffy in personality.

During the first chapters Shanks's subordinate blasted another guys brain out, and he didn't say shit, he's cool with that.

Can you imagine luffy do that ?
Well considering Luffy deliberately attempted to assassinate a mentally handicapped granny, regularly uses fodders as meat shields (he even used a temporary ally for this purpose once) and often uses attacks that continue to pummel opponents even after they have lost consciousness then I do not think he would actually care all that much about whether someone like Usopp would blast an enemy’s brains out. :kayneshrug:
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