Spoiler One Piece Chapter 980 Spoiler Summaries and Images

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Information about Apoo attack from redon in Arlong Park Forums.

About Apoo attack, it's the same he used with Kizaru but with an extra attack.

Full attack name is "Tatakau Music: Scratch, Bon, Shaan, Doon".

The first attack is new, it's "Bon" (殴 punch kanji). Apoo sends a sound wave like a punch to Luffy's face.

Then he uses "Shaan" (斬) to cut Zoro and finally "Doon" (爆) to send a sound wave that cause an explosion near Luffy. The same he did in Sabaody with Kizaru.

First pic:

Luffy: Elephant Gun!
Fodders: Uwaaah!!
Second pic:

Apoo: Aren't they~ the pirate straw hat Luffy ♫ and the pirate hunter Zoro~?
Fodders: Eehh!? Are they intruders!? They are from the worst generation!!!!
Third pic:

Apoo: Check it out!
You're still within my range♪ Appappappa♪ Eat this infrasound Straw hat, Roronoa

Zoro: Did you put on a show already!?
Why can't you sneak in quietly!?

Kid: Does he understand what he's saying!?
(This crew is hopeless!)

Luffy: But they throw out the Oshiruko!!

Zoro: The Oshiruko...!? Then we have but to cut them to pieces!!

Kid(?): A mysterious landmine!?
The first line('Did you put on a show') it's not exactly like that but that's what he means, i don't know a better way to translate that in English
First pic:

Queen: Hey hey! That's disappointing! Really?
Second pic:

Zoro: Shit! We have no choice but to get away!
Fodder1: Gyahaha, hey they are running away!
Fodder2: Chase him!
Zoro: (If we accumulate damage here, our bodies will not hold until the fight against Kaidou!!
As expected it's not only that they are a lot! It's thick-layered...)
Third pic:

Fodder1: Uwaah! The hall is a mess!
Fodder2: Are you okay!?
Kid: What's happening?
Killer: Faffa
Zoro: (A cut panel), causing a riot!! And when I came to the place where i heard all this uproar
Fodder3: Who's it!?
Last 2 page i will translate, i'm tired:

Fourth pic:

Zoro: Ugh!!

Luffy: Wah! Zoro!!

Zoro: (Eh!?) A slash!?
He doesn't have an edged tool and i can't see the trajectory of the attack, what power is that!?

Apoo: Hmm~~♫ check it out♪

Zoro: Something is coming!

Luffy: Yeah!
Fifth pic:

Apoo: Check it out!
You're still within my range♪ Appappappa♪ Eat this infrasound Straw hat, Roronoa
Killer: Stop, Kid! Faffa!
Fodder1: Wah, hm?
Killer: They will discover you too!!
Kid: It doesn't matter...!! That traitor is the cause of all!!

From last post of @Lance_Dragonite , 1st picture translation :

Thanks to jamjamstyle from AP forum for translation :

Luffy: Why should Tama starve for a meaningless idiot like you!!
Luffy: Gomu Gomu no....!!

From last post of @Lance_Dragonite , 2nde picture translation :

Thanks to jamjamstyle from AP forum for translation :

?: Gyahaha, let's keep going it at it!!!
Kid pirate: Captai, look over there!!
Kid: Strawhat....!!!
Kid: What the hell is that idiot up to!!

From last post of @Lance_Dragonite , 3rd picture translation :

Thanks to jamjamstyle from AP forum for translation :

Queen: Explain to me what the hell you're talking about!!​
fodder: Queen-sama!!​
fodder: We need medical doctors​
Zoro: Huh, we're not in a war though?​
Luffy: I know, it's because they haven't found out yet​
fodder: Are these guys not part of us?​
Apoo: Without a shred of doubt, it's "Strawhat Luffy"​
Apoo: How did that guy get here though?​
Apoo: I heard he was caught in Udon​
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