King "Kaido let me use your name coz I can't handle flyers"
Yamato "stay in your line" as he one-shot Ulti
Are people who took down easily Vet/Low high tieras it should.
Needed efforts and high end attacks to no/low/mid diff Vet tier dudes
Base Yamato AP is already above any YC except Kata.

people still thinking Calamities are above SCs? Or above Yamato? At beats calamities equal Cracker or Smoothie.
Kaido >= BM
King + Queen =< Katakuri
Luffy already beat Lucci + Enel of NW which is Katakuri.
King and Queen are twice below Katakuri just like pre fs Luffy was.
Who represents who from Pre ts Villains :
Teach : Teach
Akainu : Akainu
Kaido : represents both Kuzan and Oars , everyone gangs up on him like how straehats all fought Kuzan/Oars.
Kata : represents both Lucci and Enel, CoO and combat skilled fighter who matches Luffy gears.
Doffy : Crocodile, obvious parallelism.
Cracker : Sentomaru with Pacifistats, defensive fighters with an army.
King : Kaku
Queen : Jabra
Jack : Blueno
Hody : Arlong
Ceasar : Buggy, "Clowns"
Hyou : Ray, teaching Luffy haki.