Break Week One piece: clone wars. How Oda will destroy 25 years of build up.



Each chapter released, we get closer and closer to a sad conclusion: THE NARUTIZATION of one piece ending.

Oda is an author with a HUGE history of fake out deaths and fights where characters have no chance of winning, but still do( nami x kalifa). As it wasn´t bad enough, oda has been giving hints that he is planning to bring back dead characters in the forms of clones: Xebec( if he´s actually dead), roger, ace, whitebeard and even others we don´t know about yet.

On a show that has few deaths given the amount of danger that both main characters and background characters go through, bringing back the few ones actually died is a POOR idea with HUGE chances to backfire HEAVILY on both powerscalling and storytelling.

Another reason that´s not rlly talked much about is how oda will handle all those characters in the end given that wano already had problems regarding these issues( usopp and brook being useless and pretty much invisible all throughout the arc), is oda going to focus on the big players and sideline the rest of characters? is oda going to give or two non monster trio SHs while ignoring the rest.

The real reason oda left yamato in wano was because he KNEW that by putting yamato on sunny would demand interactions and scenes to handle her character and relations with other SHs which also demand time and chapters( also shanks promoting his movie there lol).

Conclusion: oda has been giving hints that he will copy naruto´s 4th ninja war on OP-s final which will result on a trash, unfulfilling ending that will tarnish OP´s legacy.
I sincerely doubt Oda would copy Naruto's 4th ninja war

This is something Oda said in regards to a manga competition he was judging:
If the story you want to draw is similar to something that is already popular, find something else to draw. I prefer to read a manga that is bad but something only you can draw, more than something good but similar to another artist's work!! Just try!!


I sincerely doubt Oda would copy Naruto's 4th ninja war

This is something Oda said in regards to a manga competition he was judging:

That makes a lot of sense, truth be told: you can complain about one piece all you want, but there´s NOTHING similar to it.

Naruto was a hxh ripoff in the beginning just like bleach was yu yu hakusho´s one, one piece on the otherhand has always been singular.
I really think the only clones we'll get apart from Stussy are the seraphim.

The seraphim are the perfection of all of Vegapunk's science:
  • cloning
  • cyborg body
  • gigantification
  • artificial DFs
Doesn't make sense for there to be a Xebec clone or anything like that out there


Oda: "Stussy is the first successful clone ever"

Fanbase: "Wow so it's literally Clone Wars now"
I´m traumatized from seeing so many good shonens turning shit in the end after cloning/souls/bringing back the dead is introduced.
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„Tarnish One Piece‘s legacy“

nothing to tarnish. The legacy of One Piss is a myth a boogeyman
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