Erkan says that now the submarines are difficult for Yonkos.
Why you clown cut out the part where I laugh?

You don't like it?
For BB? Probably, because BB can't swim under water. 2 Admirals couldn't do shit to same submarine.
With submarine combined, at best Law could give a low diff.
you can literally see red marks in bb's face...
The only ''red' here is a little bit nose bleed, but keep being delusional
Teach took less damage than Asura Zolo paper cut damaging Kaido after taking an attack that break Big mom bones.
Saying low-diff is even too good for Law wankers, I might even say neg-diff despite giving an advantage to hit with Shock Wille.
Submarine scaling might be the dumbest thing I've heard since Shishio claimed wind pressure nerfed ISDS from Zoro
You keep crying.