Future Events One Piece final fights.

After Luffy beats Imu and blackbeard defeats Shanks the most powerful Zoan user has to fight the most powerful Logia and Paramecia user where Luffy has to surpass Shanks in Haki skills to beat blackbeard.

After Zoro beats kenichi Ogata and Shiryu defeats Mihawk they will have a final duel where Zoros haki has to surpass the diamond/invisible power up from Jozu.

Sanji fights Kizaru since he is known for speed his speed is not faster than the speed of light so he will have to rely on observation Haki to beat Kizaru.

Chopper vs Doc Q when Chopper finally wins he is able to cure him and his horse.

Auger has made it known that he could have killed the strawhat crew and in terms of marksmanship Usopp didnt believe Chopper because no island at sea was present. Assuming he beats Yasopp his DF allows to him to always stay faraway where Usopp would need advanced observation Haki to defeat Auger.

Sabo vs Akainu where he unlocks DF awakening to burn hotter than magma to defeat Akainu.

Give me your final match up suggestions for rest of crew