One Piece King of Predictions Tournament - Goat Edition!

Who should be the mascot of the 2nd Tournament?

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Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
One Piece King of Predictions Tournament - Season 1 ongoing!

Starts at Chapter 1065 and ends at Chapter 1074!

Chapter 1065 questions and results:
1. Will Law vs Blackbeard continue in this chapter? No
2. Will we see another Vegapunk robot other than Lilith, Shaka and Atlas? Yes
3. Will we see the real Vegapunk? No
4. Will Dragon appear? No
5. Will the Marines appear? No
6. Will the CP0 appear? No
7. Will we see Zoro and Brook? Yes
8. Will Bonney talks about Kuma's special race? No
9. Will Kuzan appear? No
10. Will the last three Blackbeard Pirates members (Lafitte, Shiryu, Pizarro) appears? No

Chapter 1066 questions and results:
1. Since Zoro's birthday is coming up, will he do something epic in this chapter? No
2. Will we get new info on Egghead Island/Ancient Kingdom? Yes
3. Will we find out what's the origin of the giant with one horn at the end of chap 1065 in this chapter? No
4. Will Shaka remove their helmet next chapter? No
5. Will Lucci, Kaku, Stussy and Seraphim Kuma finally arriving at Egghead Island? No
6. Will there be at least one fight happens next chapter? No
7. Will there be at least one funny moment? (gags, jokes, funny faces are counted) Yes
8. Will Bonney uses her beam saber? No
9. Will there be at least one fanservice moment? (panties shot, cleavage are counted) Yes
10. Will we see another Seraphim outside of Mihawk, Hancock, Kuma and Jinbei? No

Golden question!😊 (5 pts): Who will fight Roronoa Zoro? (this is where I ask you guys to insert a character's name instead of saying "yes" or "no", and be sure to be specific as possible, don't just say like Zoro will fight CP0 or Seraphim, at least specify who)

Chapter 1067 questions and results:
1. Will we see the thing that Shaka is trying to show to Sanji's group? Yes
2. Will the real Vegapunk talks about how his brain got smaller? Yes
3. Will Caribou appear? No
4. Will we get another Ohara flashback? No
5. Will a Giant appear? Yes (the robot giant in the flashback)
6. Will the true man marked by flames reveal? No
7. Will we get another info regarding Elbaf? No
8. Will we get an emotional scene? No (Bonney freaks out against bugs doesn't count as emotional)
9. Will we see Zoro for real this time? No
10. Will we see the situation outside of Egghead? Yes

Chapter 1068 questions and results:
1. Will we see the Vegaforce fighting? Yes
2. Will at least one of the Strawhats be fighting? No
3. Will the real Kuma arrive at Egghead? No
4. Will the real Kuma start talking? No
5. Will we see the Revolutionary Army? Yes
6. Will Bonney wakes up? No
7. Will we get another important info about the Ancient Kingdom, Elbaf, Mary Geoise, advanced technology, etc? No (Vegapunk only talks about his dream, he doesn't say anything new regarding the Ancient Kingdom, advanced technology and what not)
8. Will the real Vegapunk start using his devil fruit power? Yes (I'm pretty sure that he's always using it)
9. Will CP0 hand over Seraphim Kuma and leave? No
10. Will at least one of the CP0 be fighting? Yes

Miracle question!😘 (7 pts) - Which chapter will we see Strawhats vs CP0? (again, you can only guess up to chapter 1074, you can't go beyond that. If you think CP0 won't fight the Strawhats then just say they won't fight. If you think the fight between them will happen beyond chapter 1074 then I can't accept that sorry. I have to be constructive and fair with the deadline and such).

Chapter 1069 questions and results:
1. Will Luffy vs Lucci happens? Yes
2. Will Lucci use Rokuogan? No
3. Will Lucci use Shigan? Yes (he also uses a new variant called "Shugan" aka Hand Gun/Pistol)
4. Will Lucci use CoA? Yes
5. Will Luffy use Gear 2? No
6. Will Luffy use Gear 3? No
7. Will Luffy use Gear 4? No
8. Will Luffy use Gear 5? Yes
9. Will we see Coby? No
10. Will we see Smoker? No
11. Will we see Tashigi? No
12. Will we see SWORD? No
13. Will Jinbei fight? No (carrying Bonney and running away doesn't considered as engaging in fighting)
14. Will Kaku fight? No (same reason as Jinbei except that he's only running away)
15. Will Luffy vs Lucci gets interrupted? No (technically, there was a talk break between Sentomaru and Luffy but it's not like the fight was over lol, hence Sento got hit in the crossfire)

Chapter 1070 questions and results:
1. Will we see Kizaru? Yes
2. Will Sentomaru stays conscious? Yes (he did get knocked out at the end but the point is that he remains conscious after taking Lucci's attack)
3. Will Lucci take control of the Seraphims? Yes
4. Will Luffy use a named attack? Yes (White Whip and White Rocket)
5. Will Lucci pull out new attack? No
6. Will we get more Devil Fruits lore? Yes (Vegapunk explained about green blood, Paramecia's lineage factor, Logia trickery, etc. good stuff)
7. Will Kaku use his Devil Fruit? No
8. Will Stussy fight? No
9. Will we see Vegapunk? Yes
10. Will Lucci use Adv CoC? No

Lucky question!🍀 (4 pts) - Will Luffy vs Lucci continues and will Lucci gets defeated in the next chapter? (Unlike other special questions, the lucky question is for next chapter only, and you have 4 choices for this question: "Yes and Yes", "Yes and No", "No and Yes" or "No and No").
Yes and Yes

Chapter 1071 questions and results:
1. Will Kizaru arrive at Egghead Island? No
2. Will we see Marine battleships? Yes
3. Will Zoro met Kizaru? No
4. Will Zoro fight Kizaru? No
5. Will at least one Seraphim be fighting? No
6. Will at least one Strawhat be fighting? Yes
7. Will Vegapunk continues his devil fruit discussion? No
8. Will we see a named Marine character other than Kizaru? Yes
9. Will we see Sentomaru's condition? No
10. Will this chapter be a good chapter to start off 2023? Yes/No

Chapter 1072 questions and results:
1. Will Zoro use a named attack against Kaku? No
2. Will Kaku use hybrid form? Yes (I couldn't tell if it was Zoan or Hybrid form at first but then Kaku was standing on two legs when attacking Zoro so it should be hybrid form)
3. Will the hidden person that is trying to help Vegapunk appear? Yes (I will go with Stussy as the helper for now, if the helper is somebody else then it doesn't change the fact that Stussy is helping out here)
4. Will the traitor get revealed? No (Meant for the traitor on the Strawhats side, not the traitor for CP0)
5. Will the Strawhats and Vegapunk arrive at the Sunny? No
6. Will Kidd Pirates arrive at Elbaf Island? No (basically, will they step foot on the land itself?)
7. Will we see what happens with Kuma? Yes
8. Will Garp arrive at Hachinosu? No
9. Will we see Coby? No
10. Will we see Blackbeard Pirates? No

Triple threats questions!🥶 - Which two characters will appear first? How many double spreads will we have? Which two characters will appear last?
A) Vegapunk and Bonney
B) 1 double spread
C) Lucci and Stussy

Chapter 1073 questions and results:
1. Will Stussy's abilities get explained? No (We don't know anything about Stussy's wings and fangs)
2. Will Stussy fight Lucci? Yes
3. Will we see Bonney touching Kuma's bubble? No
4. Will we see Kuma's flashback? No
5. Will Strawhats fight the Seraphims? Yes (Zoro vs S-Hawk)
6. Will we get new info about clones? No
7. Will we see Vegapunk on the cover page? Yes (VP looking mad sussy)
8. Will we get info regarding Rocks/Bakkin? Yes
9. Will we see events outside of Egghead? Yes (Sphinx Island)
10. Will we see other Strawhats that didn't appear last chapter? Yes

Chapter 1074 questions and results:
1. Will we see Kizaru? No
2. Will we see Saint Saturn? No
3. Will we see Weevil? No
4. Will we see Bonney? Yes
5. Will we see Kuma? Yes
6. Will we get a flashback of how Ryokugyu captured Weevil? No
7. Will all the Strawhats arrive at the Sunny? No
8. Will we see Garp? No
9. Will we see Blackbeard? No
10. Will we get at least one fight? Yes (Mark 3 Pacifista against CP0 fodders, it was short but still count)

Tricky question!😈(3 pts) - Will we see Saturn's power?

OPKOP First Tournament Winner:
👑 @Murilo 👑

With 91 points!

It's been over a year since we have something like this, and it's break week too at that. So what else is better than bringing this thread back?

So if you don't know how this game works, just visit the original thread here:

Basically, there's a set of questions that you answer "Yes" or "No" for each of them. You get 1 point for a correct answer and 0 point for a wrong answer (duh). There might be some cases where you get half a point depending on the question. And of course, the more questions you get correct will receive points which will gradually accumulate slowly until the end of the tournament. And whoever got the most points is the winner.👑

Btw, it wouldn't just be exclusive to "Yes" or "No" questions only. There will be questions where I will ask you a specific question where you have to insert a character's name or a certain event in order to get points. So make sure to read each questions carefully before you answer.

The first tournament will go on from Chapter 1065 and ends at Chapter 1074 (10 chapters for each tournament). So about 13 weeks (counting the breaks) if I did my math correctly.

There won't be much changes from the first thread so the rules remain the same. However, I will allow the questions to be up to 10 to 20 max depending on how many players we get. And like usual, if y'all have any suggestion or question you want me to include in the batch of questions (cuz if I'm the only one to come up with questions then that's kinda boring and uncreative) then feel free to do so in PM or in this thread if you want your question to be seen public. If you want to remain anonymous then PM is the best way.

For example:
Will X character appears in this chapter? (suggested by @Your username) - This is for those who want their question to be public.
Will X character appears in this chapter? (suggested) - This is for those who want their question to remain anonymous.

Depending on how many players I will get, I might do the "first comes first serve" and "splitting users" strategies. Splitting users is basically separating VIP/Staff users and normal users. Cuz VIP/Staff users are less common than normal users here. So 2:1 ratio per say. And former VIP/Staff users doesn't count. I wouldn't have anybody submit their questions to me in the PM right now cuz this is the first game and I need to know how many players will be. However, I might let VIP/Staff users submit their questions (1 question per person) in the next chapter after 1065. Make sure to submit them before Friday cuz that's the deadline for suggestion questions. And have normal users for chapter 1067, then VIP/Staff again for 1068, and so on.

First comes first serve strategy is entirely depends on how many players I will get. For example, if I only get 10 players for this game (I hope not) then I would scrap off this strategy. If I get around 20 players then I might use this strategy. If it's 30 players and more then I would definitely enforce to use the first comes, first serve stratagem.

I might allow up to 5 VIP/Staff users to submit their questions in the DM and after that, I wouldn't accept any more entries. 10 normal users' suggestions will be accepted. No more than that. Again, this is entirely depends on how many players I will get. Oh and also, the question suggestion has to make sense. For example, don't just hit me in the PM with questions like, "Will we go to Elbaf next chapter?" First of all, we're in Egghead arc right now and there is no hint of we moving to Elbaf anytime soon. Unless you provide a good argument for it and I might consider including it.

And of course the golden, lucky, miracle, and tricky questions will remained.

Just gonna put some legends here:
Golden question!😊 - Like the name suggests, this question allows you to gain extra/bonus points as long as you get it correct. 3/4/5 points vary.

Lucky question!🍀 - 2 questions in one, you get 4 points if you answered both correct, if you get one wrong then 2 points only. Both wrong then 0 points (duh).

Miracle question!😘 - 7 points if guessed correct. You have to guess in which chapter a specific event will occur, I was thinking of limiting this to each tournament only, meaning that you can only guess up to chapter 1074. You can't just say, "I think Egghead arc will end at chapter 1089" or something like that. Chapter 1089 will be in the third tournament and we're in the first tournament lmao. But if it's something like, "I think the Marines will pull up in Egghead Island in chapter 1070" then this is acceptable as chap 1070 belongs to the first tournament.

Tricky question!😈 - If you get it correct, you get 3 points. If you get them wrong, you lost 3 points from your total points that you've gained thus far. For example, you have 20 points, correct will give you 23. If wrong then 17. This question isn't mandatory so you can choose not to answer it, but no pain no gain amirite?:sadgrin:

I might do a golden question every 2 chapters then a lucky question in the next 2, then miracle next and shocking next and the tricky question in the last chapter of the tournament. Of course y'all are more than welcome to suggest any changes or modification for this game if you want as long as you provide a good reason for it. If you want me to mix the special questions up randomly then that's fine too.

For example, the order of the 1st tournament special questions: 1066 (golden), 1068 (lucky), 1070 (miracle), 1072 (shocking), 1074 (tricky).
2nd Tournament: 1076 (miracle), 1078 (shocking), 1080 (golden), 1082 (tricky), 1084 (lucky).
3rd Tournament: 1086 (shocking), 1088 (tricky), 1090 (lucky), 1092 (golden), 1094 (miracle).

If you want me to randomly assign special questions like above then let me know ^^ And if the miracle question happens at the end of the tournament then y'all are allow to predict up to the next tournament. For example, miracle question in 1094 can be allowed up to chapter 1104 which is the end of the 4th tournament.

Now, if any of y'all want to pass on this game because apparently y'all have someone who provides early spoilers at your admission like a certain bald fake news informer, I hate to break it with you:

The chance of you cheating because you just happens to have early spoilers won't be tolerated and shall be disqualified from the game. For example, if TAC posts his "predictions" in this thread then proceeds to open spoilers thread on Tuesday and they look very similar, that's an automatic invalidation of unfairness rule and shall not be accepted.

So if y'all think y'all slick and can get away with having early spoilers and modifying your answers so it won't look similar, all I gotta say is:

I'm always watching everybody from afar so no cheating on my watch.

So make sure to provide your answer at the latest day, Monday tomorrow. Cuz I dunno at what time spoilers will drop on Tuesday, could be morning or afternoon or late night. So make sure to do that unless there is a specific spoilers release time and date then I will make sure to make an announcement for it.

Now, can you join late? Yes, y'all are welcome to join at any given time, but the more latter you join, the chance of you winning the tournament is less likely, unless you guess all the answers correct somehow lol.

And if there's an emergency where I might be inactive due to real life or something, I might hire 1 or 2 users as my co-hosts for this tournament. If any of y'all want to be my co-hosts then feel free to hit me up in the PM. And if y'all have any general questions or want to discuss something, then please do so in this thread or in PM.

If y'all don't want to play the game for whatever reason but just want to follow the game then let me know so I would let you in as spectators. And if you answer the list of the questions that I'm about to drop then you're automatically in the game.


Just read the thread damn it, it's not even that long and it shouldn't take more than 2 minutes.

I think that's about it for the rules part. Hope I don't forget anything else that I need to point out (let's be real, the moment I post this thread, I will remember some rules that I forgot to include cuz I always forget the most important stuff xD).

Anyway, y'all almost reach the ending here so y'all might be wondering, "Goat, why do you have so much Steve Harvey gifs and emotes?"

That's because Steve is the mascot of the first tournament, ladies and gentlemen!

So you're probably gonna see me spamming a lot of Steve gifs and emotes in this thread until the first tournament is over. That's why I put up some real life celebrities and movies/tv shows characters that I think of in the poll for you to choose as the next mascot for 2nd Tournament. And per usual, you are more than welcome to suggest any other celebrities or movies/anime/tv shows/books characters of your own choice so I can put in the poll as long as I am able to post gifs, memes and emotes of that character.

For the tags, I put 20 (also the max for numbers of tags you can put on a thread) of those to prevent other VIP users from messing up with my tags and those are representing each tournaments' winners. For example, if I win the 1st tournament then I will replace the "1st" tag with "👑Sanji D Goat👑" with both crown emojis as the sign of winner.

But here's the problem, I don't think OP will end in 200 chapters (of course I could be wrong) but let's assume that OP will go on for at least 300 chapters. I can't add more beyond 20 tags which means that I have to either take out the first 10 winners and add the future 10 winners in the tags. And I don't want to be rude for people that won the first 10 tournaments just to get taken out from the winner tags.

So here's my solution,

You just need to win multiple tournaments again lol. If you win another tournament, I will put the tag in as "👑Username👑x2". x2 means you win 2 tournaments. x3 is 3, etc. That way the tags will be preserved and less chance of you getting dropped out of the winner tags list. It's not like you just win a tournament and call it a day. No, the battle is not over until OP ends. And especially if you're one of the earliest winners and knowing your position is at risk and will get replaced by new generation, the more you need to join back and win the game again. And also a good way to threaten players to take the game seriously.

On the other hand, that means some players wouldn't take the chance and let other players win cuz they don't want to get replaced.
But for real though, I encourage people to play to their fullest enjoyment and not care too much for fame and winner obsession. This is meant to be a civil and comfortable game for everybody.

For the prizes for winners, maybe 1 month VIP or special tag/banner for normal users? For VIP/Staff, perhaps a new privilege or special forum request? (for instance, maybe a style theme for their favorite characters?) or winners can host their own King of Predictions tournament. Idk, you guys decide on prizes and rewards.

Okay I promised this is the end I swear.

Here's the 1st batch of questions for Chapter 1065:
1. Will Law vs Blackbeard continue in this chapter?
2. Will we see another Vegapunk robot other than Lilith, Shaka and Atlas?
3. Will we see the real Vegapunk?
4. Will Dragon appear?
5. Will the Marines appear?
6. Will the CP0 appear?
7. Will we see Zoro and Brook? (If you say only Zoro or Brook appear just say Zoro yes but Brook no or Zoro no but Brook yes. And if you get one right and one wrong then you get half a point for this)
8. Will Bonney talks about Kuma's special race?
9. Will Kuzan appear? (If he appears on the cover page then it also counts)
10. Will the last three Blackbeard Pirates members (Lafitte, Shiryu, Pizarro) appears?

My opinion:
1. No, I don't think we're gonna see Law vs Teach for at least 1 chapter or so.
2. Yes, I think we're gonna see Edison, Pythagoras or York.
3. No, too soon.
4. Yes, but he wouldn't do anything for the 10th time.
5. Yes, SWORD might appear imo.
6. Yes
7. Yes, I think we're gonna see both
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. No

Explanations or reasoning are optional btw.

Since I valued my notifications, it's better to copy and paste the list of questions here instead of quoting every single one of them. Like imagine quoting this whole essay post of mine Lmao. Unless y'all have questions or want to discuss something then feel free to quote me.

With that being said, let the game begins, winners take all!

Tagging cool users from my following list: (And yes, I type the whole tags one by one)
Also let me know if the tags works or not, and apologize for those who are not interested, just liked this post and leave the thread and have a good day.​
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1. Will Law vs Blackbeard continue in this chapter? No
2. Will we see another Vegapunk robot other than Lilith, Shaka and Atlas? Yes
3. Will we see the real Vegapunk? No
4. Will Dragon appear? We won't see him but we will hear him talk so idk Yes/no
5. Will the Marines appear? no
6. Will the CP0 appear? Yes
7. Will we see Zoro and Brook? (If you say only Zoro or Brook appear just say Zoro yes but Brook no or Zoro no but Brook yes. And if you get one right and one wrong then you get half a point for this) yes
8. Will Bonney talks about Kuma's special race? yes
9. Will Kuzan appear? (If he appears on the cover page then it also counts) no
10. Will the last three Blackbeard Pirates members (Lafitte, Shiryu, Pizarro) appears? no
1. Will Law vs Blackbeard continue in this chapter? Yes
2. Will we see another Vegapunk robot other than Lilith, Shaka and Atlas? Yes
3. Will we see the real Vegapunk? No
4. Will Dragon appear? Yes
5. Will the Marines appear? No
6. Will the CP0 appear? No
7. Will we see Zoro and Brook? (If you say only Zoro or Brook appear just say Zoro yes but Brook no or Zoro no but Brook yes. And if you get one right and one wrong then you get half a point for this) No
8. Will Bonney talks about Kuma's special race? No
9. Will Kuzan appear? (If he appears on the cover page then it also counts) No
10. Will the last three Blackbeard Pirates members (Lafitte, Shiryu, Pizarro) appears? Yes
1. Will Law vs Blackbeard continue in this chapter?

2. Will we see another Vegapunk robot other than Lilith, Shaka and Atlas?

3. Will we see the real Vegapunk?

4. Will Dragon appear? We won't see him but we will hear him talk so idk Yes/no

5. Will the Marines appear?

6. Will the CP0 appear?

7. Will we see Zoro and Brook? (If you say only Zoro or Brook appear just say Zoro yes but Brook no or Zoro no but Brook yes. And if you get one right and one wrong then you get half a point for this)

8. Will Bonney talks about Kuma's special race?

9. Will Kuzan appear? (If he appears on the cover page then it also counts)

10. Will the last three Blackbeard Pirates members (Lafitte, Shiryu, Pizarro) appears?
Too long didn't read.

And did the tags works btw?
the tags worked
Post automatically merged:

1. Will Law vs Blackbeard continue in this chapter? Yes
2. Will we see another Vegapunk robot other than Lilith, Shaka and Atlas? No
3. Will we see the real Vegapunk? No
4. Will Dragon appear? No
5. Will the Marines appear? Yes
6. Will the CP0 appear? No
7. Will we see Zoro and Brook? No (both not showing up)
8. Will Bonney talks about Kuma's special race? No
9. Will Kuzan appear? (If he appears on the cover page then it also counts) Yes
10. Will the last three Blackbeard Pirates members (Lafitte, Shiryu, Pizarro) appears? No
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Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
:quest: so many steve harvey gifs
Y'all playing or nah?
7. Will we see Zoro and Brook? (If you say only Zoro or Brook appear just say Zoro yes but Brook no or Zoro no but Brook yes. And if you get one right and one wrong then you get half a point for this) yes
7. Will we see Zoro and Brook? (If you say only Zoro or Brook appear just say Zoro yes but Brook no or Zoro no but Brook yes. And if you get one right and one wrong then you get half a point for this)
Just to clarify, this is for both Zoro and Brook to appear, yes?
7. Will we see Zoro and Brook? (If you say only Zoro or Brook appear just say Zoro yes but Brook no or Zoro no but Brook yes. And if you get one right and one wrong then you get half a point for this) No
7. Will we see Zoro and Brook? No
Just to clarify, this is for both Zoro and Brook not appearing, yes?


Pepebusi Spammer
1. Will Law vs Blackbeard continue in this chapter?

2. Will we see another Vegapunk robot other than Lilith, Shaka and Atlas?

3. Will we see the real Vegapunk?

4. Will Dragon appear? We won't see him but we will hear him talk so idk Yes/no

5. Will the Marines appear?

6. Will the CP0 appear?

7. Will we see Zoro and Brook? (If you say only Zoro or Brook appear just say Zoro yes but Brook no or Zoro no but Brook yes. And if you get one right and one wrong then you get half a point for this)

8. Will Bonney talks about Kuma's special race?

9. Will Kuzan appear? (If he appears on the cover page then it also counts)

10. Will the last three Blackbeard Pirates members (Lafitte, Shiryu, Pizarro) appears?


1.Will Law vs Blackbeard continue in this chapter, Yes
2.Will we see another Vegapunk robot other than Lilith, Shaka and Atlas?, Yes
3.Will we see the real Vegapunk?, Yes
4.Will Dragon appear?, Yes
5. Will the Marines appear?, Yes
6.Will the CP0 appear?, Yes
7.Will we see Zoro and Brook?, Yes
8. Will Bonney talks about Kuma's special race?, No
9.Will Kuzan appear? (If he appears on the cover page then it also counts),Yes
10.Will the last three Blackbeard Pirates members (Lafitte, Shiryu, Pizarro) appears?, No

Didnt see the ten chapters have to change some up

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
Thanks for the invite but I'm not keen sorry lol.

It's all good ^^ You can stay as a spectator or if you change your mind later, you can always join at any time.
7. Will we see Zoro and Brook? (If you say only Zoro or Brook appear just say Zoro yes but Brook no or Zoro no but Brook yes. And if you get one right and one wrong then you get half a point for this)
Just to clarify, this is for both Zoro and Brook to appear, yes?
17.Will we see Zoro and Brook?, No
Just to clarify, this is for both Zoro and Brook not appearing, yes?
4. Will Dragon appear? We won't see him but we will hear him talk so idk Yes/no
If Dragon is speaking then it counts as appearing even though it's just verbally.