If this live action is a success,adapting manga to live action may become a new trend,like videogames adaptations are becoming a trend in Hollywood now after Sonic and Mario successes. So maybe there could be a new Dragon Ball live action,this time a faithful one,and also a Naruto and My Hero Academia one. These manga are very famous in the USA after all.
If this live action is a success,adapting manga to live action may become a new trend,like videogames adaptations are becoming a trend in Hollywood now after Sonic and Mario successes. So maybe there could be a new Dragon Ball live action,this time a faithful one,and also a Naruto and My Hero Academia one. These manga are very famous in the USA after all.
i think friday the rights for a live action for Naruto will be already boughted by Amazon, Warners, etc.
This hollywood companies are craving a new thing to milk, and speacially Amazon is trying really hard to get anything to become a sucess for them, and as Naruto is probably much more know in the west, i dont doubt that soon we will see something of a live action on it.
Especially with things like 20y of the anime, the new boruto series and the chapter Kishimoto have done getting quite some publicity.
Attack on Titan would be a cool one to see, made by like HBO, that is know for good series, as the story is one that really fit the most a Hollywood style prodution.
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