Do you like the Live Action Adaption?

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Talent is something you make bloom.
Matt Owens the One Piece live action showrunner, made a arc tier list.

Good list.
Jaya should go up to S after you watch/read Skypie, because it gets way better, imo.
Wano in B is where I draw the line.
Wano is ok. B.
Onigashima is D, at best. F, personally.


Fucking sucks lol, the actors they picked for mihawk and shanks are SHIT, inaki acting skills are amateur at best.

Kid luffy actor looks like what usopp was supposed to be, lucky roux design was changed.

I had low expectations, but they managed to make them even lower.

Not to mention shit special effects and fishman cgi lol.
Although flawed, I loved this Live Action.
Overall i give it a 8/10 that would be a 10/10 if not for 2 big issues that I personally did not like at all:
Koby's presence and scenes were unneccessary and killed off the pace of the protagonists scenes in multiple occasions.
Zoro's character and his moments were completely ripped off from Arlong Park, making him a blind character that do not understand anything of what Nami is going tru and just want to leave, while in the manga he was the complete opposite and tried even the hardest way (troving himself in the pool while his hands were tied) to discover the truth. And this felt a bit disappointing because Zoro and Nami relationship received a lot of build up culminating with them having an heated discussion when Zoro foolishly challenges Mihawk. Zoro showed to be a lot disappointed when he found out that Nami do not consider them as friends, and this troubled relationship deserved a better conclusion.
The rest is beautiful, the casting, scenes, the dialogues, the costumes. Gave a lot of Pirate of Cairebbean nostalgic feelings while staying true to One Piece spirit. I am looking forward for the sequel.
So just done with binging all the episodes.

Must say it was better then I expected, but my expectation where as low as they could be, so that helped.
Binks Sake during the flashback in episode 1 was a nice touch and Zoro calling Ussop full of shit was my favorite line.
But the acting was realy subpar, so where Luffy's devil fruit powers.
I did like they changed the story a bit and added Garp and some more Buggy.

So just don't go in with to high expectations and it could be enjoyable.