Do you like the Live Action Adaption?

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Season 2 Barouque Works
Season 3 Skypea/EL
Season 4 TB/Summit War
Season 5 FI/ Dressrosa
Season 6 Yonko Saga
Season 7 Final War

At least one more season and it’s doable if we compress the story a bit
No way they can do that much and it wouldn't make sence in term of narration

Also remember that this show has 8 episode per season.

So we will most likely have:

S2: Entire Alabasta Arc
S3: Jaya Skypea
S4: Long Island Water Seven and Ennies Lobby
S5: Thriller Bark Sabaody
S6: The Summit War Saga.

Meaning that we would end on the Time skip..

As I'm looking here, there will be two major narration challenge, Skypea and THriller Bark.
No way they can do that much and it wouldn't make sence in term of narration

Also remember that this show has 8 episode per season.

So we will most likely have:

S2: Entire Alabasta Arc
S3: Jaya Skypea
S4: Long Island Water Seven and Ennies Lobby
S5: Thriller Bark Sabaody
S6: The Summit War Saga.

Meaning that we would end on the Time skip..

As I'm looking here, there will be two major narration challenge, Skypea and THriller Bark.
Skypea drags for too long. LRLL can be skipped, Thriller Bark can be shortened, the Summit war arc + Sabaody isn’t that long either.

you can totally compress the episodes to fit the Skypea Saga and TB with the following arcs. Also ending the project at the mid point of the story is anti climactic. It is better to be more ambitious and aim for the end
Also ending the project at the mid point of the story is anti climactic
I don't think you remember how hype people were during the break of 4 week. It was insane. Its not just a midpoint (even tho the real midpoint arrive at the moment of the death of Ace) it's a promise of a new beginning. Its a teaser in itself.

Meaning that this is the perfect moment to end the serie as this can serv both for an end of serie AND a teaser for the following.
I don't think you remember how hype people were during the break of 4 week. It was insane. Its not just a midpoint (even tho the real midpoint arrive at the moment of the death of Ace) it's a promise of a new beginning. Its a teaser in itself.

Meaning that this is the perfect moment to end the serie as this can serv both for an end of serie AND a teaser for the following.
Difference is we didn’t know what was coming next. For the live action we will, the equivalent of this will be like ending GOT after season 2
Difference is we didn’t know what was coming next. For the live action we will, the equivalent of this will be like ending GOT after season 2
Remember that this serie is also for new people. At this point those people (if they do the job well) went through Marine Ford and Ennies Lobby. They will be as hype as us. Pplus again, if the serie must end, it must be on a real ending, not a cliffhanger.
Remember that this serie is also for new people. At this point those people (if they do the job well) went through Marine Ford and Ennies Lobby. They will be as hype as us. Pplus again, if the serie must end, it must be on a real ending, not a cliffhanger.
Those people will also be invested in Luffy becoming Pirate king. What is your answer to that? Just skip through the post Ts and show and epilogue with Luffy as the pirate king?

The pre ts did end in a cliffhanger lol

Those people will also be invested in Luffy becoming Pirate king. What is your answer to that? Just skip through the post Ts and show and epilogue with Luffy as the pirate king?

The pre ts did end in a cliffhanger lol

It was not a simple cliffhanger. No, but you can simply tease the return of the strawhat and their new power..
I feel like best case, we get 2 more seasons.

Season 2:
Loguetown—> drum island

Season 3:
There is not enough material between loguetown and drum island to make a real season. There would be no real climax concerning Vivi's story (as it is the main story of the alabasta Saga) Mr3 and Walpol and like Buggy and Kuro, they are nice Villain but not MAIN villain if you understand what I mean.

12 Season should be enough for the entire story


World's Strongest Swordsman
Change to 10 - 12 episodes instead of 8.
Next season
Start a loguetown 2 episode max
Whiskey peak and drum 3 - 4
Rest in alabasta.