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I fail to see the punch line.
Anime fans are perverts they say....:zosleepy:
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Episode 1: Romance Dawn
Directed by Marc Jobst, Teleplay by Matt Owens and Steven Maeda

Monkey D. Luffy, an optimistic young pirate with dreams of finding the One Piece, sets off in search of the loyal crew he needs to navigate the vast oceans. His journey begins when he helps Koby, a deckhand forced into servitude, escape an undesirable situation. While in Shells Town, Luffy meets Roronoa Zoro, a famed pirate hunter, and Nami, a Master thief, and the three form a tenuous alliance.
Episode 2: The Man in the Straw Hat
Directed by Marc Jobst, Written by Ian Stokes

Luffy, Zoro, and Nami find themselves imprisoned on an island overtaken by the deranged clown pirate, Buggy. Koby joins the Marines and proves his mettle.
Episode 3: Tell No Tales
Directed by Emma Sullivan, Written by Matt Owens and Damani Johnson

Luffy, Zoro, and Nami land in Syrup Village, where they meet Usopp, a local who introduced the group to Kaya, a sickly shipyard heiress under the care of trio of overbearing house staff. With the help of Koby, Vice Admiral Garp, a powerful marine, sets off in search of Luffy.
Episode 4: The Pirates Are Coming
Directed by Emma Sullivan, Written by Tiffany Greshler and Tom Hyndman

Luffy, Zoro, and Nami fight their way through Kaya’s mansion, which has now become a prison. Usopp enlists the help of Koby, Helmeppo and the Marines. Luffy finally gets the ship of his dreams as Garp closes in.
Episode 5: Eat at Baratie!
Directed by Tim Southam, Written by Laura Jacqmin

Luffy and the gang are tested in their ability to fight together on the high seas. They arrive at Baratie, a floating restaurant, where they encounter Sanji, a young chef with a love of fine dining. A duel on the docks shocks the group.
Episode 6: The Chef and the Chore Boy
Directed by Tim Southam, Written by Steven Maeda and Diego Gutierrez

The group is ambushed by a threat no one sees coming. After a hard-fought battle at Baratie, Sanji finally follows his dreams, while another crew member shows their true colors.
Episode 7: The Girl with the Sawfish Tattoo
Directed by Josef Wladyka, Written by Tiffany Greshler & Ian Stokes and Allison Weintraub & Lindsay Gelfand

The crew comes to the aid of a member in dire need of family.
Episode 8: Worst in the East
Directed by Josef Wladyka, Written by Matt Owens and Steven Maeada

A new pirate crew is born.
Matt Owens, one of the showrunners for One Piece, highlights that the show was built in a way that allowed for four two-episode arcs that each introduce us to the members of the Straw Hat pirate crew and focuses on the “spirit of togetherness and adventure.”

Our whole season is set up in four two-episode arcs where we’re meeting a new Straw Hat, getting to know them, and finding where they fit into their world. It’s not only an origin story of how this crew comes together…It’s an encapsulation of the idea of found family. A spirit of togetherness and adventure.
Matt Owens
The series remains ambitious and with only a few more weeks to go, we’ll finally see how they bring this iconic story to life. Monkey D. Luffy’s journey for One Piece remains an iconic story that has yet to find its end and is about to start anew for a new generation that missed out on the journey a long time ago.
Seems like they changed a lot regarding Nami's introduction and Garp, Helmeppo and Coby's involvement. The themes remain the same as in the manga. This show might really succeed in giving new life to One Piece, I'm excited
Honestly, the live action looks about as good as a One Piece live action is gonna be at this point. If it becomes successful, we might see an even better display of visuals. The casting is done really well for the most part and it seems as if the feel of the series is quite accurate too. I do, however, sometimes get the feeling that the costumes look like cosplays, rather than realistic outfits (the same goes for the wigs they use instead of painting actual hair or another alternative to make their hair look realistic), but then again it's really cool that they wear cover art outfits! There's definitely a lot of love and eye for detail going into this, so I'm sure hardcore One Piece fans will appreciate the effort and enjoy this little alternate reality One Piece adventure. Nothing will top the original, but that's also not the goal of this project.
The structure of the season seems cool. I wonder if they would mantain it also for the other seasons. This means next season we could get both Alabasta and Skypea.
Not really, the Alabasta saga was around 120ish chapters long if we start in reverse mountain. That’s longer than what the LA is covering right now.

If the One Piece LA is a success and multiple seasons get approved I could see the seasons being broken into sagas

Season 1- East Blue Saga
Season 2 - Alabasta Saga
Season 3 - Skypea Saga(Jaya+ Skypea)
Season 4 - Enies Lobby saga(LRL + Water 7 + EL)
Season 5 - Thriller Bark Saga
Season 6 - Summit War Saga

You only start to run into a problem when you get to thriller bark which is a pretty small saga and where not much happens. You would have to either include Sabaody in that season or add filler.
Not really, the Alabasta saga was around 120ish chapters long if we start in reverse mountain. That’s longer than what the LA is covering right now.

If the One Piece LA is a success and multiple seasons get approved I could see the seasons being broken into sagas

Season 1- East Blue Saga
Season 2 - Alabasta Saga
Season 3 - Skypea Saga(Jaya+ Skypea)
Season 4 - Enies Lobby saga(LRL + Water 7 + EL)
Season 5 - Thriller Bark Saga
Season 6 - Summit War Saga

You only start to run into a problem when you get to thriller bark which is a pretty small saga and where not much happens. You would have to either include Sabaody in that season or add filler.
i feel like LRLL would be end of s3, maybe end with aokiji cliffhanger
Tbf LRLL could be completely omitted apart from Aokiji's intro
On the other hand, a Foxy wanted poster has already been shown in the trailer. They could still omit LRLL, but they did spend energy to include Foxy in this adaptation. Still no guarantee the arc will be there, but I can’t think of any other ways to introduce Foxy in a meaningful manner, unless it deviates from the canon story.
On the other hand, a Foxy wanted poster has already been shown in the trailer. They could still omit LRLL, but they did spend energy to include Foxy in this adaptation. Still no guarantee the arc will be there, but I can’t think of any other ways to introduce Foxy in a meaningful manner, unless it deviates from the canon story.
It was just an Easter Egg for manga/anime fans.
Newcomers won't even know who the guy is supposed to be and will just view it as part of worldbuilding