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Welcome to the Mangaka Showcase! Try your luck and join this tournament by quoting this post and telling a short story of about a few lines and a winner will be choosen!​
There was once an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that he died. That is the end of his story but not the one of his lover who long to see him again. At the time, barnacles did not have a shell and we’re at the mercy of the ocean. And so at great personal risk the traveled the seas, singing in the hopes to find their loved one. After years of search, the lover lost hope and in great sadness found a small cave and awaited death. Now after a few years their friends also went out to look for them and eventually found the cave and a dead barnacle in it. And so they all gathered around the body a weeped, finding a cave of their own. And so, this is why barnacles stick to everything and are inclusters, the roam the seas hoping to be reunited with their loved one at king last.
the end.
I think Conq looks the worst out of the people who had been going after Flower. After Flower modkilled herself he stopped posting all together. No aftermath reaction, no reevaluation of his Rayan thing with Flower/Reloaded that he kept hard tunneling, etc

Also noticed him liking posts of people sussing the people going after Flower after (noticed he liked one on TAC specifically). That didn’t sit right with me when he’s been on it too and it isn’t like he’s throwing his own two cents in on why.

He can answer for himself why he liked the posts, I know some people like posts they don’t have to agree with @ConquistadoR

Conq where is your head at now with a Flower town flip?

I’ve moved Al & Muugen to town leans.

Muugen, as scum, I think would stand to keep tunneling me and getting under my skin to throw me off, but he hasn’t and he’s actually worked with me some last day. And it didn’t feel like buddying bc it felt like normal cooperation, not like he was trying to get on my good side. He’s also looking in lots of directions and interacting with lots of people which I consider townie, scum is often more narrowly focused/not poking in as many direction I find.

Al, is somewhat vibe, and also I thought how he handled Reloaded felt townie. Could have kept going at him for easy content but instead pulled off and showed reevaluation. Also, he’s claiming he got hit by a kill last night, which would need to be Red Mafia, with WU checks if he’s lying he could be nailed on that so I don’t see him making an unnecessary risky lie on it. Ruling out one mafia for him automatically boosts chances he could be town.

Think Odd looks more town with doing his town triangle thing too. He was doing that kind of thing in Pokémon mafia. Also kind of a vibe check. We also agree on more stuff than not right now. (I would not call Pelosi a town lean, scum side of null at best, I don’t have a hard bead on her as scum but she feels off to me compared to the other games I’ve been in with her recently)
I've actually been reading Conq town, so that'll be interesting to see how he responds.

I agree with Al and Muugen. I've been reading them town for awhile.

I'm still between on odd. I got him as an early town vibe but this phase I don't know if I love him.

I'm going to put you in my town core next to Goblin. I'd say Muugen and Al can be there as well (maybe just a peg town from you two, though). I am comfortable discussing things with you guys and bouncing ideas off of.

Prof, what do you think of pelosi, Charles, and Juliet?

And if you could omega protect someone and omega kill someone, who would those people be?
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