I'll like to say do not mudsling one another here, I know people are upset the way things ended. I've had the chance to get some air and catch up and read the thread. If your biggest takeaway from my post was he's throwing the beast pirates under the bus then you didn't actually read my post. Their was a lot of factors that contributed to this having to end early .
RA is not to blame for this game ending nor should he or his team get the full bad rap for it. I thank RA did the right thing in agreeing for it to end, I doubt he did it because he wanted to ruin the fun for everyone. RA has seen me host multiple games and saw I didn't have the enthusiasm to host this anymore. It's a obvious mercy kill. The main gripe was the rules not being followed and the subbing out.
Yeah beast pirates were more vocal about the role revealing not being punished but it's sentiment that was shared within the other anti town players. This isn't a this game only thing, this was also a issue during the marvel game and I'm sure other games before this one. Role revealing or hard hinting to the point people can figure out your role via the write ups is an issue, it sucks the fun of being anti town this game when people will eventually figure out your role since every player can confirm themselves.
This game does have counter measures to take on most power roles . Rather it be town or Mafia or indie but this is where the second issue comes into play what happens when those counter measures are inactive or have to sub them in? What happens when you can't find a sub? Hours of hard research to craft these roles and make custom banners from them is flushed down the toilet. I appreciate those who subbed in, I really do unfortunately I had to sub in x amount of players within the first cycle and I still needed more subs.
It's obvious who certain roles would be when inactive roles suddenly become active after someone subs in. Anti town would have been fucked way worse, this would go back to what I said in the original post. You could tough it out but why play when your fighting a uphill battle? You will come out of this game with a bitter taste, which leads to option b of subbing out which itself in this game was a problem.
I understand life happens and sometimes don't have the time you thought you did or it's to toxic to keep playing. That's why I ask for player to be very considerate when signing up for these types of games, it may not mean much to you but we hosts put alot of time and effort into these games +roles. It sucks having to scramble to get a slot filled. I'd rather have someone who plays a little then someone who doesn't bother to show up.