Raw Japanese Kanji
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当時CP9のカクとの戦闘で使用した大技。三面六手の鬼神の幻影を鮮明に見せ つけるほどの気迫を刀に込めている。その気迫の強さで、相手の激しい斬撃すらも霧散させ無効化する。
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A New Frontier of Powerful Swordsmanship
Flying Slash
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A technique unleashed against Braham and the priest Ohm during the survival game on Skypiea. This long-range attack sends slashes flying from his powerful arms, making it effective against distant opponents. It is highly versatile and useful in various situations.
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The Secret of Breathing
Cutting Through Even Steel
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A power discovered during the fierce battle with Daz Bones. Recalling the teaching of his master, Koshiro, about "a sword that cuts nothing," he learned to sense the breath of all things, which enabled him to gain the technique to cut through even steel.
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The Manifestation of Fighting Spirit
Demon Aura Nine-Sword Style
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A powerful technique used during the battle against Kaku of CP9. It channels such intense fighting spirit into the swords that it vividly displays the illusion of a three-faced, six-armed demon god. The strength of this fighting spirit is so great that it disperses and nullifies even the fiercest of the opponent's slashes (OP Magazine 18).
Raw Japanese Kanji-
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武装色の覇気を刀に込めて、一 時的に硬度を大幅強化する技。ミホークに師事した2年間の修業の成果を存分に発揮し、元々黒刀の"秋水"以外の二振りの刀 も黒刀に変化させることに成功 している。
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鬼ヶ島での激闘中に繰り出した 超大技。圧倒的な覇気を纏った 刀は、ケタ違いの威圧力と破壊力 を持つ。脅威の耐久性を誇るル ナーリア族のキングの身体を斬 り伏せ、見事撃破に成功した。現 時点のゾロの剣技の極致だ。
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Imbued with Armament Haki
Black Blade
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A technique that temporarily enhances the hardness of a sword by infusing it with Armament Haki. As a result of two years of training under Mihawk, he fully demonstrates his skills by successfully transforming his two swords, other than the already black blade "Shusui," into black blades.
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Ruler of Hell
King of Hell Three Sword Style
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An ultimate technique unleashed during the fierce battle on Onigashima. The swords, clad in overwhelming Haki, possess extraordinary intimidating force and destructive power. This technique successfully cut down and defeated King of the Lunarian race, who boasted incredible durability. It represents the pinnacle of Zoro's swordsmanship to date (OP Magazine 18).