News One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 PV2

Mr. Reloaded

Professional Backstabber
So still no calamities? LOL
Had a feeling they were gonna save the majority of Onigashima stuff for the next game.

Gear 5th I was on the fence about, but it actually makes perfect sense from a marketing standpoint to add it into this game first.
IJ Sanji, KOH Zoro, Awakened Kid and Law, and King&Queen (not their base forms) though? Yeah wasn't holding my breath on any of those.

None of those guys are on the same level of marketing as Gear 5th currently is with the anime, and don't really warrant character slots over someone like Uta who is still hot rn. Or Garp and Koby because of the manga.

Gorosei Informer

Had a feeling they were gonna save the majority of Onigashima stuff for the next game.

Gear 5th I was on the fence about, but it actually makes perfect sense from a marketing standpoint to add it into this game first.
IJ Sanji, KOH Zoro, Awakened Kid and Law, and King&Queen (not their base forms) though? Yeah wasn't holding my breath on any of those.

None of those guys are on the same level of marketing as Gear 5th currently is with the anime, and don't really warrant character slots over someone like Uta who is still hot rn. Or Garp and Koby because of the manga.
Aye seems like it unfortunately. Im guessing they only added in Gear 5th, Onigashima Luffy and Hybrid Kaido for the hype ofc. Big Mom needs an updated moveset ASAP too.

Aye thats a great point too, Sanji, Zoro, Robin at least are gonna need hugely updated new movesets/forms, Franky will require a bit of an update at least too. Nami too. Nami's might be quite a bit too actually.

I expect King and Queen to get multiple forms or something, or have more 1 version of themselves to play as. Maybe like how Hybrid Kaido seems to be seperate now too?
Would be sweet if the Tobi Roppo became playable but not holding out hope for those either. They added all the Germa siblings AND Judge though, so maybe there's hope? Even Capone too!?

Yeah thats literally it, they're doing it for the timing of the manga and thus hype and marketing as you said. Its frustrating but they care about money more than anything, especially appeasing us ofc. Although the characters they've chosen are also the most popular/demanded I'm sure, so they are "appeasing us" too anyway especially if they sell well! Which I'm certain they will too ofc lol.

We're gonna have to wait until PW5 eventually to get a complete Wano and Onigashima arc/saga, yay lol. We might actually get the Scabbards and Tobi Roppo playable then too but we'll see.
PW4 was a pretty big disappointment tbh. Hope there’s a better PW5. Do what PW2 did and come up with their own storymode please, less restrictive. Plus bring back the world map for missions, it’s a little thing, but it’s a better experience than just picking missions from a list.

And I don’t think the air combat was any good.

Having said that, will I still get this to play young versions of Garp, Ray and Roger. Yes, yes I will. So I’m the sucker here. They really do need to come up with new missions and stages to make this worth it though, and they won’t.

But yeah, hope they are working on a better PW5.


Having said that, will I still get this to play young versions of Garp, Ray and Roger. Yes, yes I will. So I’m the sucker here. They really do need to come up with new missions and stages to make this worth it though, and they won’t.

But yeah, hope they are working on a better PW5.
Dito....Their choices are so odd.
Roger has shown one named move and Rayleigh fought for like 3 panels...At this point, Roger and Rayleigh probably gonna play similar as Shanks, so Imo they are waste of slots, so will be Coby.

King and Queen should have been the obvious choices, literally no excuses.
Instead of Roger and Rayleigh, Sengoku and Shiki would have offered a much more diverse moveset pool and still fit into the old era/legend pack.

Then there are characters like Enel, Magellan, Moria, Kuma, Kaku, Ulti, Who's Who, Perospero, Pica, Vergo and Caesar with so much potential in regards to their moveset....
haki sword users are the most boring shit ever
this game already had Shanks, and now it's gonna get Roger, Rayleigh and.... film RED Shanks? How are they any different?

Yeah, make 4 copies of the same character instead of like Queen who has the most diverse arsenal in the series


I will never forgive Oda
100%, Man, I had the same idea for years, like turn the "Throne Wars" into a game mode, or dedicate it a spin of entirely until the story has progressed enough to go for another Pw.

My idea:
You choose a faction:
- Revolutionary
- Marine/Wg
- Pirate

In the beginning the character selection would be limited to relatively weak characters to have a feel of progression throughout the game:

- Sabo without Mera
- Koala maybe

- Pre Ts versions of Tashigi, Smoker, or Coby

- East Blue goons as Kuro, Don Krieg, Buggy and Arlong
- Pre ts Strawhats with the exception of Jinbei
- Pre ts Worst Gen member, with the exception of Teach

From there you jump into hubworld and you gonna start in one of the Blues
The timeline begins at the start of Luffy's journey

Key Features for all factions:

- Conquer territorys
- Recruit new crewmates/member of your unit by improving your reputation, doing certain tasks, rise in ranks etc
- Basic Ressource managment as hiring fodder, improving your ship and defenses on your conquered territories etc
- Rise in ranks
- World events from the manga, as Whitebeard making his move at a specific day etc you can join
- Giving your teammembers basic orders ingame and on the hubworld
On the Hubworld you would be able to choose which characters gonna defend your territories, or start even their own attempt of conquering
Ingame it be split up to:
Follow me
Defend Territory X
Attack Territory X
- Upgrade your characters by doing certain tasks, or with enough Berry
You Start as East Blue Luffy with a limited basic moveset - > upgrade him by fighting/investing berries to level up - > Invade El to learn G2/3 - > upgrade him further to learn more moves -> Have done a specific task to turn him into his Post Ts version -> upgrade him further to learn more moves > overthrow Doffy to use G4 > Invade Wci to learn Snakeman and Fs etc
- Recruiting characters/rising in ranks as Marine allows you to play as them and unlocks them to be available from the start in your next run

Faction specific features:
- No Idea rn

- Rise in ranks by accomplishing certain orders, conquering territories and capturing pirates/revos
Higher rank = more territories at your disposal to control, more ressources available and you recive authority over other characters
- At some point by fullfilling certain tasks, you'd be able to join CP9 and later on CP0

- Earn bounties
- Increase your reputation to be offered the position of an Warlord
- Join one of the Emperors, or overthrow them to become one yourself allowing you to have more allies at your disposal on top of your max 10 crewmates
That would be such a satisfying way to play the game and unlock characters, instead of retreading the story we all know. Marines ranking up and the pirates getting bounties would be amazing.

just need a quick character customization feature and this is an A+ game


World's Strongest Swordsman
That would be such a satisfying way to play the game and unlock characters, instead of retreading the story we all know. Marines ranking up and the pirates getting bounties would be amazing.

just need a quick character customization feature and this is an A+ game
The dream is an open world where you start level 1 bum and can do whatever eat any fruit become a master Swordsman join any faction


I will never forgive Oda

The dream is an open world where you start level 1 bum and can do whatever eat any fruit become a master Swordsman join any faction
For real. Doesn’t need much story, just toss in a bunch of memorable villains and npcs and let us explore a chunk of the Grandline, a sky island and some underwater shit.

Would love to build my own crew


World's Strongest Swordsman
For real. Doesn’t need much story, just toss in a bunch of memorable villains and npcs and let us explore a chunk of the Grandline, a sky island and some underwater shit.

Would love to build my own crew
Have fruits scattered around even if you can kill users take their fruit but like you will be level 1 and akainu like 90 so you can't do shit


These days I was considering buying One Piece Pirate Warrior 4, but after watching some videos on YouTube, one of the things that put me off was the lack of character skins from the manga, like, OP Pirate Warrior 3 has more skins than 4 Lol, not to mention the lack of some characters.

30$ for 9 characters :josad:
I hope they release more characters.

But the game needs for now:




Who's Who




New Kid

New Law

Updated Kaido

Updated Big Mom

Other funny characters would be:




Black Maria
