Had a feeling they were gonna save the majority of Onigashima stuff for the next game.
Gear 5th I was on the fence about, but it actually makes perfect sense from a marketing standpoint to add it into this game first.
IJ Sanji, KOH Zoro, Awakened Kid and Law, and King&Queen (not their base forms) though? Yeah wasn't holding my breath on any of those.
None of those guys are on the same level of marketing as Gear 5th currently is with the anime, and don't really warrant character slots over someone like Uta who is still hot rn. Or Garp and Koby because of the manga.
Aye seems like it unfortunately. Im guessing they only added in Gear 5th, Onigashima Luffy and Hybrid Kaido for the hype ofc. Big Mom needs an updated moveset ASAP too.
Aye thats a great point too, Sanji, Zoro, Robin at least are gonna need hugely updated new movesets/forms, Franky will require a bit of an update at least too. Nami too. Nami's might be quite a bit too actually.
I expect King and Queen to get multiple forms or something, or have more 1 version of themselves to play as. Maybe like how Hybrid Kaido seems to be seperate now too?
Would be sweet if the Tobi Roppo became playable but not holding out hope for those either. They added all the Germa siblings AND Judge though, so maybe there's hope? Even Capone too!?
Yeah thats literally it, they're doing it for the timing of the manga and thus hype and marketing as you said. Its frustrating but they care about money more than anything, especially appeasing us ofc. Although the characters they've chosen are also the most popular/demanded I'm sure, so they are "appeasing us" too anyway especially if they sell well! Which I'm certain they will too ofc lol.
We're gonna have to wait until PW5 eventually to get a complete Wano and Onigashima arc/saga, yay lol. We might actually get the Scabbards and Tobi Roppo playable then too but we'll see.