Speculations One Piece Predictions Thread

This Thread is for everyone to list their Predictions regarding everything that's gonna happen in One Piece (From Current Chapter till Last)
Make any Prediction regarding any Character, Event, Object, Fight ... etc
But make sure that your Predictions are Organized, not Ambiguous & try to use Accurate Words
And over time as Chapters are released, we can come here & check on what we got Right & what we got Wrong
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  • ZKK
  • Law ~ Sword connections
  • Coby and Boa Hancock team up or Boa Hancock defeated by Fujitora
  • Blackbeard invades Alabasta, steals Pluton Poneglyph (has a fight with Marines and defeats them)
  • Mihawk joins up with Shanks
  • The Old Man Tenguyama is Kozuki Sukiyaki.
  • Kaido flashback begins with Rocks
  • Vergo is alive and saves Doflamingo. Doflamingo secret childhood revealed about what he saw in Marygeoise. Doffy saw Im, Im has final weapon Uranus which is seeing all future events years in advance.
  • Shanks has super advanced Future Sight. Mihawk has future sight
  • Momo/Tama/Law/Yamato/Kinemon for Strawhat
I feel more strongly about some than others. I will probably edit in more.
Kidd will trigger kaidos flashback when he uses the giant sword to stab kaido

Zoros ashura is an improved version that isn’t the same as pre timeskip but different

Bullet was actually a tease of eustass Kidds power which will be a giant mech. That’s why he has to skull on his mech it’s for the giant one

Yamato fights jack and beats him mid diff and heads for the roof it won’t be high to extreme diff but mid diff.

She will go to the roof and be way out of her element to where she instantly gets destroyed

orochi goes to multiple people for help and each time they cut off his head the final person he goes to is kaido on the rooftop because kaido has to see orochi is somehow still alive and zoro has to see orochi to they will react to him and orochi will he for kaido to help him. Then hiyori will appear cutting off orochis final head killing him. So basically hiyori kills orochi

shinobu marco and perospero die in wano.
  • Kaido will Die
  • Toki is Alive
  • Tenguyama Hitetsu is Kozuki Sukiyaki
  • Momonosuke & Hiyori will meet right after Kaido is Defeated
  • Momo will Help in Defeating Kaido (Even if just Carrying Luffy & Co.)
  • Shanks will appear at End of Wano Arc
  • A Marine will come Escort X-Drake out of Wano at End of Arc
  • Yamato will Join the Fight against Kaido
  • Big Mom won't be Defeated this Arc
  • Sasaki is Son of Kokoro from Water 7
  • Hawkins 1% Prediction was about Luffy
  • Law will Die after using Eternal Youth Operation
  • Kid, Killer will have +1 Billion Bounties after Wano
  • Luffy & Zoro though will have Higher Bounties
  • Sanji will Fight Queen
  • Hawkins will Fight King
  • .... TBC
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- One Piece won't end before chapter 1400
- The Giant sword stuck in Onigashima is really ancient and comes with a really particular story
- Kidd will be the main reason for the defeat of either Kaido or Big Mom
- Killer will awaken his SMILE at some point, Kamaitachi zoan mythical type
- Luffy vs Kidd will happen in Lodestar, probably Zoro vs Killer too
- Law is deeply connected with Drake (and SWORD) and the two of them will operate together in the future
- Doflamingo will somehow escape Impel Down
- Doflamingo and Crocodile will collaborate at some point, for something really big
- Mihawk will join Shanks at some point
- Urouge didn't voluntarily choose pirate life
- We'll get a flashback of how Kuma got 'The Tyrant' as alias, and will add weight to his already tragic story
  • Carrot will help defeat Perospero.
  • Sanji will take on a Calamity and it'll be a 1v1.
  • Inu ain't beating Jack. Jack will be finished off by Yamato (or Jimbei but that's not as likely, in my opinion).
  • Carrot will join the crew.
  • Jimbei will continue with his Who's Who fight until Who's Who is defeated.
  • Usopp will unlock armament haki this arc but he'll be the only Straw Hat to do so (in Wano).
  • Luffy vs Kaido will be a 1v1 for the final stretch of the fight though I believe Zoro and Kid will land significant blows on Kaido prior (with Zoro re-opening Kaido's wound and Kid making use of the giant sword in front of Onigashima's skull).
  • Big Mom will be the villain in Elbalf and she'll be the first Yonko that Luffy defeats on his own and his win over her will signify that he's truly risen up to the Yonko's level.
  • Pedro, Vergo and Monet ain't coming back.
  • Boa will be captured. Coby will get a promotion as well.
  • Kaido won't die.
  • Sanji's leaving Wano with a bounty higher than Queen's. Law, Zoro and Kid will leave with bounties nearing 2 billion. Luffy will leave with atleast 3 billion.
  • Sanji will face Avalo Pizarro or Jesus Burgess. Shiryu will be Zoro's opponent. Aokiji won't face the Straw Hats.
  • Zoro will face Fujitora (as well as the Gandhi Gorosei later on), Sanji will face Kizaru and Luffy will face Akainu (then Im later on).
those are my predictions for the remaining story of one piece from void century to shanks to final war etc
Because oda writing is very predictable and repetitive I think those have high probability of happening.

- big mom joins the grand fleet or will be Luffy ally in general as O-Lin

- Bonney becomes Luffy friend and will play the princess role of final arc

- final war will be 2 way war between luffy and Blackbeard…IM will make it 3 way at start but he will get defeated making it 2 way war as oda always does

- IM is fodder. He will be the new orochi

- revolutionary army will be the new samurai

- Sakazuki will be the new big mom. He won’t fight Luffy and Luffy won’t care about him as he would probably give him his back while running to Blackbeard/IM

- Sakazuki will be defeated by sabo

- Sakazuki will join Luffy side at the end of final war

- the admirals and marines will join Luffy side like drake joining Luffy side to fight Blackbeard and WG

- shanks will get mostly of panel by Blackbeard after Luffy gives him the hat and we won’t see a fight between Luffy and shanks but only a short clash that will last half chapter if not less

- void century is very similar to the oden flashback.
wano clans = D clans
Kurozomi = marshal
Joy boy = oden
IM = orochi

- what Roger laughed at might be something similar to oden dancing or getting boiled that happened to joy boy

- technically the war will be straw hats VS Blackbeard pirates. The formula that oda overused for decades

- SSG will be the new pacafista

- sabo will get captured and executed but unlike ace he won’t die

- no one important will die in the war… whitebeard is the only death that oda will do

- Blackbeard pirates will be sent to prison after their defeat meaning none of them will be killed…straw hats killing is laughable idea

- Luffy will make the whole world and all characters to be his allies at the end

thoughts ?
When in this storyline will zoro fight smoothie tho
It wont happen zoro one shots
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those are my predictions for the remaining story of one piece from void century to shanks to final war etc
Because oda writing is very predictable and repetitive I think those have high probability of happening.

- big mom joins the grand fleet or will be Luffy ally in general as O-Lin

- Bonney becomes Luffy friend and will play the princess role of final arc

- final war will be 2 way war between luffy and Blackbeard…IM will make it 3 way at start but he will get defeated making it 2 way war as oda always does

- IM is fodder. He will be the new orochi

- revolutionary army will be the new samurai

- Sakazuki will be the new big mom. He won’t fight Luffy and Luffy won’t care about him as he would probably give him his back while running to Blackbeard/IM

- Sakazuki will be defeated by sabo

- Sakazuki will join Luffy side at the end of final war

- the admirals and marines will join Luffy side like drake joining Luffy side to fight Blackbeard and WG

- shanks will get mostly of panel by Blackbeard after Luffy gives him the hat and we won’t see a fight between Luffy and shanks but only a short clash that will last half chapter if not less

- void century is very similar to the oden flashback.
wano clans = D clans
Kurozomi = marshal
Joy boy = oden
IM = orochi

- what Roger laughed at might be something similar to oden dancing or getting boiled that happened to joy boy

- technically the war will be straw hats VS Blackbeard pirates. The formula that oda overused for decades

- SSG will be the new pacafista

- sabo will get captured and executed but unlike ace he won’t die

- no one important will die in the war… whitebeard is the only death that oda will do

- Blackbeard pirates will be sent to prison after their defeat meaning none of them will be killed…straw hats killing is laughable idea

- Luffy will make the whole world and all characters to be his allies at the end

thoughts ?
Shakazuki allie with condom is best joke ever been
1029: Zoro gets a power up, marines reach closer to Wano, Big Mom vs Law and Kid
1030: Sanji gets another power up in terms of AP, defeats Queen, Onigashima is starts dropping, Momo's has generated flame clouds but is barely enough, Marco heads out to warn people in flower capital
1031: Zoro defeats King, starts heading to rooftop, Sanji looks for other strawhats, finds out CP0 is after Robin
1032: BM pirates and Marines arrive in Wano, they see Onigashima falling, they wait or attack Momo, if they attack Momo Yamato protects him, Momo is now able to hold Onigashima - his hour of legend begins
1033: Luffy and Zoro vs Kaido and Sanji and other SHs vs CP0 and Marines
1034: Kid and Law are defeated, Big Mom heads to rooftop