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Kitetsu Wanker
I enjoy checking up on little Lik to see if he's accepted defeat after each chapter. Your loss of hope after each chapter gives me more joy than you could possibly imagine. You just wait until we're out of Wano seeing as the end of the Yonko arc wasn't enough to put you down.


Check back next chapter or maybe you dont have to because you have imaginary loss of hope to keep you company. :rolaugh:
Check back next chapter or maybe you dont have to because you have imaginary loss of hope to keep you company. :rolaugh:
This is going to be fun I will re-visit our debates from time to time to get second ba embarrassment from you when reading your comments.

ZKK died the chapter Luffy told Zoro his services were no longer needed go fight fodder King

Having fire on his back is not Kings DF lol
They could have done better with Sanji, he just looks normal + Germa suit for whatever reason - the wings don‘t make sense either, why are they on his back? King had his own wings on his back not his DF wings.
Yh he looks more Lunarian lol...maybe its Sanji own form of Hybrid lol
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