You mean Kidnapping his crew because he didn't have the courage to face him without hostages, as expected from Hawkins he didn't sumbit to Kaido for nothing already learning from the best:cheers:
Hawkins is smart by using his ''crew'', but he is just using the fodder of the beast pirates and yet he easily defeated Law :shocking:


Heavy Metal
Funny how most of Kid haters are Zoro fans and they hate Hawkins too, I wonder why :wellwell:
In my opinion, i guess they just want to hype their character as much as possible. But they know they cant touch luffy, cause Luffy is the MC and always will be above Zoro. Argueing against that doesnt have any kind of sense. Tho they are forced to pick the next possible step, Kid.
I mean, there are some Zoro fans which have mentioned kid the last 2 weeks more than double as much as their own favorite character.
It really isnt lol
Theyre standing directly next to eachother. If you wanna dismiss evidence go ahead.

The point is luffy is looking at kid and not law
This is piss poor example of why kidd is luffys rival. Keep telling people stop using panels of people together or using an attack as evidence of portrayal as rivals. It's silly logic since I can find ton of zoro and luffy moments post and pretinsekip. I can find a few sanji and luffy moments. Hell there was even an xdrake and luffy moment when they both used an attack on the same number. So people need to stop the headcanon
to make it clear, what do you mean by "magic sword" ?

Just a fun word I use. What im implying is that enma is emitting so much haki by itself. When zoro wanted to cut a tree/leaf he cut half the cliff off. Its giving him extra power out of nowhere thats why I call it a magic sword.

He couldnt have cut the onigashima skull with that distance with his other two swords but enma made his attack output skyrocket
You can deny it as you want, but you think Oda is showing this without reason? Or say Kid has CoC without reason? Fine if you think so, but just making fun about observations, just because they dont argue in your favor, isnt a good discussion-style. :)
I think he just means you’re reading too much into this particular panel in which they make weird faces, which I agree with. Kid is most likely stronger than Law, yes, but I don’t think there’s anything in that panel that supports that claim.