I genuinely Feel Sad nad Mad at the same time WTF
You and me both man. At this point my jokes about Oda jerking off to the misery feel like less of a joke, as Oda takes another stroke of his uh "pen".
This getting to AOT levels of bleak easily, OP is such a misery fest now. It always had fucked up, dark stuff but feels like Oda is trying way too hard post TS since Dressrosa at least if not before. Even since Sabaody, Impel Down, Marineford etc.
I miss my simple pirate adventure series. I miss the proper crew chemistry and downtime moments, I miss the series being chill and not taking itself too seriously and being so overbloated, convoluted, pretentious, obsessed with prophecies, gods and w/e else.
I'm just so tired of OP at this point.
Oda is even making me gradually hate Mihawk and Shanks too. Something I never wanted to do. Sorry I just need to vent too. This chapter already has fucking pissed me off and today/yesterday have already been a fucking ridiculous rollercoaster as it is.
I'm glad he went more goofy with Luffy to try to counter balance this shit out, but something is gonna replace Gear 5 I fear eventually somehow. Or its gonna become something different ultimately.