AL sama

Red Haired
Now,a serious answer: Ecommerce and youtube can make you rich of you know how to work with those.
heh tough luck going big

from an outsider's perspective youtube might seem like fun and easy job but the moment you start taking it seriously is the moment you realize that its a hell hole without any end and it can destroy your motivation to work within mere weeks
heh tough luck going big

from an outsider's perspective youtube might seem like fun and easy job but the moment you start taking it seriously is the moment you realize that its a hell hole without any end and it can destroy your motivation to work within mere weeks
AL,lets get real.Its a tough job and you will only make money if you create content people want to enjoy.The anime/manga niche is tiny.Very few youtubers in that niche are above 100k subscribers.If you give what people want and you good at it,you can make it.It isn't easy though...


Bald Spoiler Provider
heh tough luck going big

from an outsider's perspective youtube might seem like fun and easy job but the moment you start taking it seriously is the moment you realize that its a hell hole without any end and it can destroy your motivation to work within mere weeks
No one wants to watch me on YouTube I have no talent


Bald Spoiler Provider
Yes. E-commerce is a 6 trillion industry.Start dropshipping to learn the basics without setting up your own store.There is no such thing as easy money,unless you go the criminal route.Its hard to make a living online.
I don’t want to rely on a random Chinese dude in China for my source of income how do I get supplies in America