The argument over who got up first, Luffy or Kizaru. If Caribou carried Luffy to the food machine, that means Luffy hasn't gotten up yet, and Kizaru got up first.

So, the answer is really, REALLY dumb power scaling.

Here's hoping Luffy and Kizaru have a serious fight this time.
The caribou may be the one giving food, but luffy went to the food machine on his own, caribou is a slow character so it is not possible for him to move that fast.

In addition, Luffy can already move, he said that he was so swollen because he ate food that he couldn't move, and we know that Luffy can melt his belly in 1 second.

(Zoro is still keeping Lucci stuck in place/confined/stalled)

(To stop that, Jinbe is heading over)

(Because Zoro will get lost)
Soon we will get Z-boi essays why sandman is a fraud because he translates wrong :josad:
(Zoro is still keeping Lucci stuck in place/confined/stalled)

(To stop that, Jinbe is heading over)

(Because Zoro will get lost)
Someone thinks he knows better than the original translator cope harder