I wouldnt know, I started OP with the anime tbf. Only switched to manga from Marineford. Around when Ace died more or less.

Sanji CHOSE TO DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE, youre missing the godamn point.

Zoro followed it up by saying he'll eat it as a challenge and to spite Sanji, Zoro did not ASK FOR IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!

And the point still stands, Sanji still fed him razor blades and poison too. You're not seriously trying to defend that, to deflect from it?

Friendly reminder Zoro also knocked out Sanji to stop him trying to throw his life away to Kuma and this is how he repays him years later.

Says a lot really.

Willing to poison the marimo nakama but not a crazy Big Mom in hot pursuit? LOda, master writer. :kriwhat: