Lucci would defeat any Strawhat easily except Zoro and Sanji. And even these two would have hard time(mid-high diff at least or higher) to beat him, G5 Luffy trashing Lucci in a low diff without adv CoC doesn't mean Lucci is weak, it means Luffy is that strong. He is now on Kaido lvl and can also fodderized any non top tier.
ppl seem to be forgetting that characters like Law and Kid got trashed by other emperors like BB and Shanks just this arc.
  • Chapter 1.108: "Catastrophe".
  • The chapter begins with Jinbe arriving at the location where the battle between Zoro and Lucci has taken place.
  • Both Zoro and Lucci are on the ground. redon Moderator
  • Zoro is looking at the same skeleton as after the fight against King. Zoro says to him, "I need to learn to pace myself, I'm tired of seeing your face."
  • Kizaru is having trouble against Luffy and Sanji.
  • Saturn appears and grabs Sanji.
  • Saturn crushes Sanji and he explodes. The look on Luffy's face is priceless.
  • Kizaru takes advantage of the moment to attack Luffy, who seems to have been quite affected by the attack.
  • Saturn tries to finish off Luffy, but Sanji reappears and stops him in his tracks. "It seems we both have the same ability to recover." Saturn is visibly upset.
  • Saturn vs Sanji. Kizaru vs Luffy.
  • At the end of the chapter, Augur appears on Blackbeard's pirate ship.
  • Caribou is talking to Devon in the background, he seems nervous.
  • Augur says something like "It wouldn't make sense to leave stones in the way" and teleports the entire Egghead island to a place in the sea where there is a void with large waterfalls.
  • Next week there will be a chapter.
Oda is too washed for a chapter this peak