I loved Hyo destroying the samurai under Orochi, but yeah the other yakuza leaders were just lame af
I liked Hyogoro as well, fella served a good purpose at showing Luffy how to channel advanced armament as well as showing us a character that was drastically affected by Kaido and Orochi's rule of Wano.
Fukurokuju was the same for me honestly, he served well as a right hand man to Orochi but then we had to deal with
11 other named characters that just get scared of Brook and run around. We probably could've had that quick flashback of him and Raizo's connection instead.
I'm rewatching Wano rn with a friend and these issues are becoming way more apparent. The scene where Orochi attacks Toko and Hiyori during that banquet dragged on for a whole lot longer than it should have because of those other ninja characters.
Even my friend is starting to get tired of all the new named characters and is having trouble keeping track of things.