The real Shanks died pre TS.
The current Shanks is the authors pathetic self insert and cringe wank fest.
Shanks in the beginning was an amazing character with nuance and actual edge.
Now he's extremely dull and overcompensating, far too sanctimonious and pretentious and his fanboys are the most toxically loudest/annoying/vocal in the fandom, with not a single shred of humility and self awareness and only constantly proving my point.
When he dies and he will die, I will get the last laugh regardless.
So enjoy it whilst it lasts guys, because when he dies, he's staying dead too. Unlike my goat.
Live like a snitch/rat, die like a snitch/rat, as he deserves. He should give the Gorosei more lapdances, especially a certain new Gorosei, his own ugly slave hunting daddy.